Laughter therapy- help healing body and mind

1 year ago

Maladaptive daydreamers can benefit from laughter therapy especially those who deal with negative daydreams. Those who relive past trauma and neglect, or imagine the worst case scenarios. As soon as you catch yourself drifting into anxiety or daydream, make yourself laugh. Even if it is a fake laugh at first, it will help break the cycle your mind has of running the negative "playlist" Give it a try, it may boost your mood and is beneficial to your body.

The content on this video is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a doctor. This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counseling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.

My certifications:
Group life coach practitioner
Therapeutic art life coach
CBT coach practitioner
CBT cognitive behavior life coach

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