Can You Lawfully Shoot a Threat THROUGH Your Front Door?

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A couple are awoken at o-dark-thirty by the sound of loud banging on their front door. As the man retrieves a firearm the woman calls 911 to report an apparent home invasion. Then the glass in the the door shatters and the male homeowner fires a single shot through the front door.

When police arrive they find a very drunk and very deceased college student dead from gun shot on the front porch. He had just moved into a home on the same street, and drunkenly thought he was breaking into what he mistakenly believed was his own home.

In fact, this college student had no criminal state of mind when he tried to enter the wrong home, and would have caused no harm if he'd not been shot--yet the homeowner nevertheless shot him dead through the front door as if he were a genuine home invader.

Is this an example of a shooting that's AWFUL, but LAWFUL?

Join me LIVE at NOON ET to discuss!


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Disclaimer - Content is for educational & entertainment purposes only, and does not constitute legal advice. If you are in need of legal advice you should retain competent legal counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.

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