Interview with Former Canadian Registered Nurse Svetlana Rilkoff ~ Ezra Healing

1 year ago

“Svetlana is a former Canadian Registered Nurse of 24 years.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of British Columbia. Her extensive experience working in the Canadian Healthcare system includes ICU/ER, Public Health, University Education and Primary Health Care.

Svetlana has worked closely with the many healthcare professionals that make up a healthcare team. Her passion is to empower people with winning solutions to common and complex health challenges. Pivoting from public healthcare to the private sector has allowed Svetlana to offer even better solutions to the general public. She is a strong advocate and public speaker bringing awareness to the deep corruption in the current Canadian Healthcare system.

After being terminated from her position as a competent Primary Care Nurse from the Christina Lake, BC, Medical Clinic, for refusing the covid19 vaccine, she started Ezra Healing as a response to the crimes against humanity currently being implemented by the government. Bringing light to the medical corruption and offering solutions, she and her team will help build the new Wellness Paradigm which is long overdue.

Michael is Ezra Healing’s Apothecary, and heads up Ezra’s Men’s Health division. 

Michael Martinz is a serial entrepreneur and a life long natural wellness advocate.  His work experience extends across 5 continents covering a range of industries, including automotive, agriculture, retail, biofuels, mining and forestry.  His focus over nearly the last 20 years has been the Cannabis plant and its multitude of applications for humans including medical and industrial uses. 

Michael has been a strong advocate against allopathic medical quackery stemming from an incident of very poor care in the year 2000. He has never seen a medical doctor since then and has been a keen and inquisitive student learning what supports a healthy human body and mind.  Thru his studies, self analysis and application he has discovered that nearly everything modern allopathic medicine advocates for is utter nonsense.  He believes like Hippocrates, "let food by thy medicine".  What goes into your body nutritionally, and what you fill your mind with determines one's health. 

Like many people, in March of 2020 his world was turned upside down.  With a unusual amount of spare time on his hands he embarked upon producing a podcast which initially reported on conservation issues in British Columbia.  By the Fall of 2020 the show moved forwards into a deep dive on the covid-19 fiasco.  Thru his podcast, the Martinz Critical Review, Michael interviewed and hosted nearly every major expert worldwide covering that subject matter.  With over 150 episodes published to date, and over 30,000 hours of research into the scamdemic and health related subjects, his opinion on allopathic medicine has soured even further.  When you then layer the imposition of technocratic rule on the population, it is clear that no one is coming to save us except for ourselves.  

Michael has been a keen supporter of his partner Svetlana and Ezra Wellness since its inception.  He has worked tirelessly shoulder to shoulder with Svetlana, and a loyal and dedicated freedom fighting friendship blossomed into a wonderful romance and life partnership.  Truly a silver lining in all the chaos.”

Svetlana Rilkoff’s social media links and website listed below:

Tom Dienes social media links listed below:



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