How To Go From Hospital ICU to INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME, the Discharge Process!

11 months ago

Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: How To Go From Hospital ICU to INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME, the Discharge Process!

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In today’s blog post, I want to answer a question from one of our clients and the question today is

How to Go from Hospital ICU to INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME, the Discharge Process!

Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from Intensive Care At Home where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated patients with tracheostomy and where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units to save money and resources whilst providing quality care.

In this quick tip for families in intensive care but also for intensive care units, I want to focus on how we transition ventilated patients with tracheostomy, adults and children home from intensive care. Let’s dive right into it.

The best case scenario is that we start actually with doing some shifts with our team, with a client in intensive care so we can get to know them, can get to know their routine, can get to know their day to day medical and nursing needs. But more importantly, focusing on the routine that a client wants to work with once they’re going home. It gives us time to get to know the client, get to know the family and work with the intensive care team closely towards a discharge home. Also gives us a little bit of time to prepare the home with the equipment that is needed. But at the same time, we have taken clients, adults, and children home from intensive care literally overnight.

And given that we are employing hundreds of years of intensive care experience, we are in a position to do so, but the best case scenario is really to do a transition period over, let’s just say three to four weeks, where we start doing some shifts in intensive care with our staff and then transition slowly but surely to a home care environment where we then provide 24 hours intensive home nursing care where we substitute the intensive care bed in a more holistic and family friendly environment at home.

That’s my quick tip for today...

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