Can IV (Intravenous) Antibiotics Be Given at Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

1 year ago

Can IV (Intravenous) Antibiotics Be Given at Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

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In today’s blog post, I want to answer a question from one of our clients, and the question today is

Can IV (Intravenous) Antibiotics Be Given at Home with INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated adults and children with a tracheostomy at home. And where we also provide tailor-made solutions for medically complex patients at home and where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units whilst providing quality care and saving money and resources.

In today’s tip, I want to talk about, are IV antibiotics able to be given at home with Intensive Care at Home services? And the short answer to that is yes, what is needed is an IV cannula that can be a peripheral cannula. It can be a Venflon. It can be a Hickman’s line. It can be a PICC line, or it can be a central venous line. We can look after all of that at home without any issues.

Why can we look after Hickman’s line, PICC line, central lines, IV cannulas at home? Simply because we employ hundreds of years of intensive care nursing experience in the community. As a matter of fact, we are the service provider that is looking after the sickest and highest acuity clients in the community worldwide. And therefore we can provide this level of service at home.

So if you have a loved one in intensive care and you think you can’t go home because your loved one is on IV antibiotics, think again, your loved one can go home with our service Intensive Care at Home. And if you are at home already and you need help because your loved one is on ventilation, you don’t have the support, your loved one keeps going back to ICU all the time because you don’t have intensive care nurses at home, you can have IV antibiotics and you can have intensive care nurses at home, 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year with our service at Intensive Care at Home.

That’s my quick tip for today...

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