nobody shaming you is concerned for your future

1 year ago

i talk about these things a lot cos they are prevalent in my life
i am obsessed w/ myself cos i don't have much of a choice
the fantasy of being on stage
the other side of ptsd
ag is a mirror reflection on lsd
blonde on blonde has the worst track one in the world
no excuse for an artist to have a terrible track1
rainy day women #12 & 35 musta been bob dylan's sick joke on his fans
i like stuff that's from the heart which is why i love folk so much
i don't idolize or idealize anybody
i hope to help others thru my creativity the way that others have helped me thru theirs
yet another opportunity for them to impress themselves n their "friends" on the internet
i'm unhappy only some of the time
it's fun to yell in my car, damnit
sobbing on the living room floor is just a part of it, man
why i try to stay off the radar
how to have empathy w/ ag: cancel yourself
imagine that you are that person w/ their stupid twitter handle
pretty good at gauging when it's appropriate to reply back
i don't see the importance of being right
a millisecond hit of dopamine ain't worth all the trouble
i wish i wasn't right about technology
society will always be stupid, never forget it

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