Pride goes before fall

8 months ago

Pride goes before fall
12. February 2023
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
clock 12.35
Prophetic Word:
A word for Lars Løkke Rasmussen.
I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
This is the time for you to see your own destruction. I saw you when you made deals in the secret. Both inside and outside the Government. I saw your deals with WEF about Marrakech and the two women who were killed just after the deal was signed. You have blood on your hands from the two women and many others.
The city of Vejle will be in the news for awful reasons.
Lars! I will take you down, because of your arrogance and your heinous pride.
Pride goes before fall
Lars Disaster, you take many with you in your fall.

Sunday 12 February 2023 13.39 o´clock.
Margrethe of Denmark, days shall come, where the Danish people and the rest of the world will see who you really are.
The world will see that you are a man, and you have had your disgusting homoparties in the castles in Denmark. Your heinous sacrifices and offerings to Baal and Moloch.
Soon the world will see that you have made traffic with my children in Denmark.
The kingdom will be taken out of your hands, like you took the children out of the hands of their parents. Soon, yes very soon, the people in Denmark will see how you have treated your own citizens.
You, the Royal house of Denmark and the so called government will be exposed and taken down.
You have committed criminal acts against mankind.
Did you believe that you could get away without any noticing of your dreadful and heinous deals in the dark.
Days shall come Margrethe! where the power will be striped from your hands.
You have no authority and power any more.
Your idol worship will be shouted out from the rooftop. (will be exposed)
The freemasons will be in the news, several big companies will go down together with you.
To you the synagog of Satan! The freemasons in Denmark.
You think that you can hide from me, but you will all be exposed so everybody can see you.
Your secret plans will be exposed.
Margrethe! you are not of Royal blood. You are not who you pretend to be. What you have stolen from the Danish people and the islands, shall and will be taken from you.
You and the Royal house of Denmark, will be exposed to trafficking children.
All the wealth you have, will be stripped from you. Great will your fall be, the Royal House and the Government.
Daniel 5:25-28
Esajas 43:4
Revelation 3:9
My prayer: God let your righteousness come, let the eagles rise in Denmark. Let the killing of the babies stop. (abortion)
#pridegoesbeforefall #denmark #pridegoesbeforefall #denmark #goverment #propheticwordtoday #thebookofdaniel #remaword #nowword #europe #abortion #exposure #royalhouse #fullarmorofgod #divinerestoration #restore #outofslavery #outofegypt #babylonisfallen #angels #on #assignments #yaweh #godprotects #godprovides #godreveals #propheticwordtoday #thebookofdaniel #remaword #nowword #europe #abortion #exposure #royalhouse #fullarmorofgod #divinerestoration #restore #outofslavery #outofegypt #babylonisfallen #angels #on #assignments #yaweh #godprotects #godprovides #godreveals

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