How to Select a Service Provider When You Need INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME!

11 months ago

How to Select a Service Provider When You Need INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME!

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In today’s blog post, I want to answer a question from one of our clients and the question today is

How to Select Service Provider When You Need Intensive Care at Home?

Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from Intensive Care at Home where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated, adults and children with tracheostomies and where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units whilst providing quality services for long-term ventilated patients and medically complex patients at home.

So in today’s video blog, I want to talk about how to choose your service provider when it comes to Intensive Care at Home services. And I will talk about that today. I break it down into number one, if you have a loved one in intensive care and you want to go home. Now I also want to break it down, if you have a loved one at home already, which happens sometimes as well.

So let’s break it down to number one, when you have a loved one in intensive care, ventilation and tracheostomy and you can’t see your loved one leaving intensive care anytime soon. The intensive care team is telling you that it takes a while for your loved one to come off the ventilator. They may even tell you they may not come off the ventilator at all, whatever your situation is, you need to think about how do you approach this when going home into the community.

So the first thing that you will need is obviously a service provider and how will you choose a service provider? Well, obviously we, at Intensive Care at Home as far as I’m aware, we are the only service provider worldwide that is accredited to provide Intensive Care at Home. So we are an accredited healthcare service here in Australia. We are also accredited with the NDIS, the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but we are also accredited with hospitals with other funding bodies, such as the TAC in Victoria for Transport Accident Commission or the DVA, the Department of Veteran Affairs.

So we can pretty much work with any funding body in Australia, because again we are an accredited health care service. So we have policies and procedures. We have the workforce, the intensive care nurses that can bring the intensive care skills into the home to make a transition from intensive care to a home care environment safe. Again, because we have third-party healthcare service accreditation and we have accreditation for Intensive Care at Home services. Again, no other organization, as far as I’m aware in the whole world has achieved that to this point. So, therefore we are having a workforce and we’re employing hundreds of years of intensive care nursing experience in the community. Again, I don’t think there is any service provider in this world that brings as many intensive care nursing skills in the community than we do at Intensive Care at Home.

Now, next, the other thing that is important, you need to look at whether a service is actually providing evidence-based care, evidence-based services. And why is this important? Well, you know, everything in medicine in nursing is based on research and Intensive Care at Home services have been around for the last 25 years, predominantly in Germany and other European countries, but also now in Australia since 2013...

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