The Wheel of Fortune Energy Vlog

10 months ago

The Wheel of Fortune Energy Vlog title is from the date January 28, 2024 thus 37 or #10 The Wheel of Fortune card a change in fortune; big change and Karmic change You are either up or down.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News shows us two amplitude. The first amplitude power of 14 at 12:30 AM UTC, The devil is tol by god to be more tempered from now on out. The second amplitude power of 16 at 5:00 PM UTC, Thus the Hierophant is troubled by his tower failure since it will affect his spiritual message. The quality power of 9.50, Thus Temperance again we need this balance and measured approach to our problems. The Frequency average of 7.79 hertz, mthus 23 or #5 the Hierophant card, thus a spiritual messenger which any of us could be or a dirty Pope that supports or hides pedophile priests.

Therefore we can say about it all that: The Wheel of Fortune rolls on no matter our temperance. Temperance is how we balance between the good and the bad Hierophant. The Starseed Oracle deck gave us two cards. the first was the Baby Steps card advising us to action, we must follow our intuition before it makes sense. The Second Card is The Blue Flame, bringing spontaneous awakening and time for integration.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
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