11 months ago

After eighteen days of constant protests in Cairo, Alexandria and Suez, Hosni Mubarak stepped down as president of Egypt on February 11, 2011. Great celebrations broke out and people cried that freedom had finally come to them. But has freedom really come to them? When the euphoria simmered down and people went home, they had the Egyptian Army as the new absolute ruler. Sadly, it was the Egyptian Army that delivered the last three rulers of Egypt: Nasser in 1956, Sadat in 1970 and Mubarak in 1981. Only time will tell if the Egyptian Army can be trusted.

Egypt was conceived as a nation 3,150 years before Christ and during its 5,150 years history, Egypt has always been ruled by dictators who were called kings and later pharaohs. It was also conquered by foreign conquers like the Hittites around 1650 B.C., Greece, Rome, Muslim invaders, the Ottoman Empire and the last foreign power to rule was Great Britain from the end of World War I until 1953.

Egyptian rulers have always had a habit of being cruel to the people, keeping the population poor, while the rulers always lived a lavish lifestyle. Immorality is another trademark and the queen Cleopatra is maybe the most well known ruler who reveled in her sexual escapades.

FEBRUARY 13, 2011

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