Halo Battle Royale Cancelled?

1 year ago

Seeing claims of the Halo Battle Royale cancelled was not what I wanted to see. I was hoping for a Halo Unreal Engine 5 reboot to launch alongside what Certain Affinity was building. Currently Halo Infinite is doing better, but I can't see it ever making the comeback it needs.

While we wait for Halo Infinite Season 6 this certainly comes as unwelcome Halo news because it may change the future of the franchise. Will we even see a Halo Infinite Battle Royale or a new Halo game in the future?

Halo is a military science fiction media franchise, originally created and developed by Bungie and currently managed and developed by 343 Industries, part of Microsoft's Xbox Game Studios. The series launched in 2001 with the first-person shooter video game Halo: Combat Evolved and its tie-in novel, The Fall of Reach.

Reforge Gaming is a live talk show hosted by Lono covering the hottest and newest topics in variety gaming news with unmatched interaction, live event coverage and question and answer segments. It is a live gaming podcast, weekdays @9:00 AM EST

#halo #haloinfinite #halobattleroyale

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