Mind Control and how we can escape from it (Jason Christoff on interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich)

1 year ago

In the interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, the propaganda researcher Jason Christoff vividly displays methods of mind control. He reveals to what extent these strategies influence us in our daily lives and how we can face those and escape from them.
â–¬ https://www.kla.tv/28022
â–¬ The following might also be of interest for you:
19th AZK: No.1 Enemy of State – Octopus in State Disguise (by Ivo Sasek) www.kla.tv/27427

Homepage of Jason Christoff: www.jchristoff.com
E-Mail: Jason@freedomfromselfsabotage.com

International Crimes (against humanity) Investigative Committee Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his team continue the work that began as „Corona-Investigative“-Committee: https://icic.law/de
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