CES 2024 Wrap Up

1 year ago

Just a few of the things I got to see at #ces2024 . Most of this is from the full day I spent at Eureka Park, the part of the show that is dedicated to Start-Ups, research companies, colleges & universities, etc. from ALL over the world. I met so many really nice people!
For more on CES, Brian Tong and iJustine have some fantastic content on the CES YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/cesonthetube
Or see some detailed product interviews in our friend, Rocky Nash's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCB1bf4hrEqv2SqrokuDonWw

Also - check out my new friend's newly released book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Relentless-Pursuit-Greatness-Ultimate/dp/B0CRQGM6LT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=16EOGETGQ3SLX&keywords=live+relentless+eduardo+gomez+del+casal&qid=1706406038&sprefix=eduardo+gomez%2Caps%2C162&sr=8-1
You'll catch a little bit of Eddie Gomez on the video.

#roadtrip #history #travel #americana #mainstreetofamerica #smalltowns #roadstops #roadsideattractions #nostaligia #backroads #freeways #highways #interstatetravel
#trainstation #harveyhouse #fredharvey #museums #militarymuseum #ontwolanes #on2lanes #adventure #exploringtheUS #ontheroad #behindthewheel
#CES #CES2024 #Indianaforthebold #simstechnology #pixiedusttechnology #pixiedust #petcaron #yellowscan #blovo #apexstorage #qarnotcomputing #liverelentless #antidoteelectronics #ybrush #y-brush #lasvegas #lvcc

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