Clif High - It's Alive ... UFO AI Contained since the 1940's! Deep Fake!

11 months ago

AI was discovered when UFOs are brought down in the 40s. But it was an analog AI with biological hardware that is just now starting to be introduced to the mainstream.

00:01:18 Jeane-Claude Beyond Mystic Deep Fake show with Jay Weidner and Kerry Cassidy
00:02:20 Clif worked with a guy who was at the Pentagon on 9/11
00:09:10 Kerry Cassidy is being manipualted by a convicted murderer about AI; Mark Richards
00:13:00 9/11 videos
00:17:15 Narradigm is crumbling; Tartaria truth
00:18:56 UFO’s shot down in the 1940s yield significant tech that was release in the 50s as semiconductors, etc.
00:21:50 Einstein was a shill to keep Tesla-type tech suppressed
00:23:10 Shelved tech like self-directed computers (AI) and biological devices; Bitchute video on AI
00:25:00 Clif significant programming background
00:26:41 AI-type tech and bioligical chips from flying saucers was shelved; Clif noted AI in data in 2017; Analog AI
00:31:26 Corporations have control over UFO tech
00:34:30 Revival of analog computing; Beautiful from an electrical viewpoint
00:39:45 Started seeing language around analog computing in 2020
00:43:30 Kerry Cassidy delusion about AI Clif’s one interview with Kerry
00:45:57 Freemasons are Jews; Bible will be seen as a deepfake; Clif has seen ancient versions of the bibles; Elite know they’ve lost
00:48:50 Babyboomers ended up with a weird life
00:52:38 Infighting within movements grows as they are reach their peak; Russian Revolution; American Revolution
00:58:48 Splits Happen – Mainstream Media has died and won’t be reconstituted; Shift into HyperNovelty is appreciation of it
01:02:00 Difficulty connecting with alien AI
01:03:30 Beginning of AmRev2 with standoff in Texas; February 18th is important date
01:08:30 Coming lessons on using AI to file lawsuites
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