How the Fraternal Order of Police Operate Within "Blue States"

11 months ago

"When two individuals interact, the "sicker" person determines the relationship.
The more extreme and rigid the person, the greater hir interpersonal "pull"-the stronger hir ability to shape the relationships with others. The withdrawn catatonic, the irretrievable criminal, the compulsively flirtatious charmer can inevitably provoke the expected response from a more well-balanced "other".
We meet here a lowest-common- denominator process, a Gresham's law of interpersonal collisions. Sick people control the interpersonal interaction. The "sicker" or the more maladaptively rigid, the more power to determine the nature of the relationship."
[The Politics of Self-Determination, Timothy Leary]
"The Anglo-American System... had no place for the Indian. If the latter could of his own initiative find subsistence within the framework, there was a priori nothing to prevent such adjustment. But if there was any conflict whatsoever with the system, the native was to be estimated ruthlessly, either by outright extermination or the slower method of segregation in ghettolike reservations."
(S.F. Cook, The Conflict Between California Indians and White Civilization, II, Ibero-American: 22, University of California Press, 1943, Berkley)
[Indians of California: Past and Present, American Friends Service Committee]

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