SLOBODNI podcast #64 Dr. Naomi Wolf-Suočavanja sa zvijeri

1 year ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ Dr. Wolf je ikona borbe za ženska prava i autorica 9 bestsellera te nekadašnja miljenica liberalnih maintream medija u USA. Osnivačica je kompanije Daičy Clout
Posljednja kniga "Suočavanje sa zvijeri" zorno opisuje jedinstvena iskustva pandemijskih vremena i transformacije njene okoline u društvo koje nije više lako prepoznati.
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ Dr. Wolf is an icon of the fight for women's rights and the author of 9 bestsellers and a former favorite of the liberal mainstream media in the USA. She is the founder of the company Daičy Clout
The last book "Facing the Beast" vividly describes the unique experiences of pandemic times and the transformation of its environment into a society that is no longer easy to recognize.

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