SNL Makes Tools Of Themselves Again Rushing To Bash Trump On 'De-Banking'

1 year ago

Look at that. SNL going back to the Trump well once again for lazy, uninspired, and quite frankly UNFUNNY content. Notice how rarely if ever these same 'comedians' go after Biden who we all know has said some absolutely insane and crazy stuff. Not to mention 'de-bank' is actually a word and a very real thing. Tell us you live in a privileged, protected echo chamber without telling us you live in a privileged, protected echo chamber, SNL. -- SNL did a segment mocking Trump for using the word de-bank: "Trump introduced an interesting new term: de-banking. I don't know what the hell de-bank even means." This is what happens when you live in your own echo chamber. Not one SNL writer or audience member realized that de-banking is a real thing actually happening to the right. Canada did it to the truckers. JPMorgan is doing it to conservatives and Christians. It was done to J/6 protestors. All it takes is a simple Google search. De-banking is real.

As we said up there, de-bank is a real thing but OF COURSE Jost has zero idea because he's a lemming who thinks and believes as he's supposed to and never has to worry about being punished financially for disagreeing with the government. And the audience is pretty clueless and privileged as well. NYC. SNL’s in such a hurry to dunk on Trump that they made themselves look like idiots again. Again. Yup. It also happened to Nigel Farage. The media is comprised of low-IQ, bubbled buffoons who somehow see themselves as your intellectual betters.

• More at: Twitchy - Awww, ADORBS: SNL Makes Tools Of Themselves AGAIN Rushing to Bash Trump on 'De-Banking'

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