Noah's Ark Discovered Documentary! Evidence for Its Location, Genesis Flood! Proof Bible Is True!

1 year ago

The Bible: The Word of God? Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence {{ Critics Of Bible Silenced Once Again:}} Archaeological Discoveries Prove Old Testament To Be Accurate {{{{With the aid of aerial reconnaissance, technologically advanced sensing devices, controlled chemical analysis and strict archeological field work, this program presents the evidence that suggests scientists have indeed found the final resting place of Noah's Ark as described in the Bible and the Book of Genesis. Includes photos, video, physical evidence and interviews with researchers.}}} This program presents evidence that explorers have found the final resting place of a ship that may be Noah's Ark as described in the Bible and the Book of Genesis. Includes photos, video, physical evidence and interviews with researchers, and the best-known authorities on "Noah's Ark" in the world today. The Real Noah's Ark! Top Points to Consider.It is in the shape of a boat, with a pointed bow and rounded stern.
Exact length as noted in biblical description, 515 feet or 300 Egyptian cubits. (Egyptian not Hebrew cubit would have been known to Moses who studied in Egypt then wrote Genesis.)

It rests on a mountain in Eastern Turkey, matching the biblical account, "The ark rested . . . upon the mountains of Ararat" Genesis 8:4. (Ararat being the name of the ancient country Urartu which covered this region.)

Contains petrified wood, as proven by lab analysis.

Contains high-tech metal alloy fittings, as proven by separate lab analyses paid for by Ron Wyatt, then performed later by Kevin Fisher of this web site. Aluminum metal and titanium metal was found in the fittings which are MAN-MADE metals!

Vertical rib timbers on its sides, comprising the skeletal superstructure of a boat. Regular patterns of horizontal and vertical deck support beams are also seen on the deck of the ark.

Occupied ancient village at the ark site at 6,500 ft. elevation matching Flavius Josephus' statement "Its remains are shown there by the inhabitants to this day."

Dr. Bill Shea, archaeologist found an ancient pottery sherd within 20 yards of the ark which has a carving on it that depicts a bird, a fish, and a man with a hammer wearing a headdress that has the name "Noah" on it. In ancient times these items were created by the locals in the village to sell to visitors of the ark. The ark was a tourist attraction in ancient times and today.

Recognized by Turkish Government as Noah's Ark National Park and a National Treasure. Official notice of its discovery appeared in the largest Turkish newspaper in 1987.

Visitors' center built by the government to accommodate tourists further confirms the importance of the site.

Huge anchor stones were found near the ark and in the village Kazan, 15 miles away, which hung off the rear of the ark to steady its ride.

The ark rests upon Cesnakidag (or Cudi Dagi) Mountain, which is translated as "Doomsday" Mountain.

Dr. Salih Bayraktutan of Ataturk University stated, "It is a man made structure, and for sure it's Noah's Ark" Common Sense. This same article also states "The site is immediately below the mountain of Al Judi, named in the Qur'an as the resting place of the Ark."

Radar scans show a regular pattern of timbers inside the ark formation, revealing keels, keelsons, gunnels, bulkheads, animal chambers, ramp system, door in right front, two large barrels in the front 14' x 24', and an open center area for air flow to all three levels. Right were the Bible says the ark come to rest, The remains Are there for all to see .Biblical Archaeology confirms this site in the video.{{{THE TRUTH IS RIGHT HERE FOR ALL TO SEE}}} If there is one thing the Bible is clear about it is this. One day, God is going to put an end to all the evil and suffering that goes on in our world. One day, He will judge this wicked and rebellious planet and make all things new. He did it once with a worldwide flood and Hes going to do it again with a worldwide fire. Thus, you would think people would conclude, Hey man, I better get right with God so I dont suffer the Judgment of God. Yet the Bible records the sad news of how the people in the last days would actually choose to be scoffers instead of taking God up on His offer to be rescued before its too late., God really did judge this world once, and Hes going to do it again. Time is running out and the rains going to be here before you know it. Please, dont be like the scoffers of Noahs day. Discover the evidences of A Judged Creation and enter the ark of Yeshua Jesus before its too late]'s_ark.htm Noah's Ark G Edward Griffin narrates the discovery of Noah's Ark in Turkey.

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