E Jean Carroll - Nancy Pelosi 2.0? The Show Must Go On...

8 months ago

Did you know E. Jean Carroll “forgot” to disclose that Democrat Billionaire Reid Hoffman was funding her entire case against Donald Trump. Ironic that Reid Hoffman was also behind the funding of Nikki "it's not my real name" Haley

“I completely forgot he existed…”
IN your deposition?
“Yes, in my deposition”

I’m pissed for Trump… this is clearly election interference.
Ryan Fournier
In case you didn't know, E Jean Carroll has
accused many men of raping or sexually
assaulting her..
Including a babysitter's boyfriend, a dentist,
a camp counselor, an unnamed college date,
an unnamed boss and CBS chief executive
Les Moonves
Per The National Pulse
This is why she's not credible.
92 ReTruths 154 Likes
1/26/24, 9:59 PM
The show must go on, but I wonder if E Jean Carroll the one who was playing the acting role for Nancy Pelosi? Given the hair and bottle of Vodka she could pass for Pelosi quiet easily, given the fact that most of the sheeple still haven't worked out Biden is being played by Arthur Roberts

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