Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie - Global Government is Collapsing Worldwide - captions

1 year ago

God is in control - Don’t look to any person for answers. Don’t look to (wo)man for answers. Look to God. When things are uncomfortable and unusual, God wants your attention. Give Him it.
Unprecedented, unusual, and unconventional

Break free, break forth, break through, and break out of all the chains that have been holding you down. God's love destroys hate. God's blessing destroys the curse. God wins.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! The original video may be watched here:


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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International

1. Ps. 37:7; Prov. 3:5-6 (rely on and trust in God)
2. Ps. 119:105, 130
3. John 16:13 (Lead and guide you in all things)
4. Ps. 112:4
5. 2 Tim. 1:7 (you have a sound mind)
6. James 1:17 (All good and perfect gifts are from above)
7. Eph. 1:22-23 (Jesus is the head)
8. Eph. 6:10-18 (Armor of God)
9. Isa. 60:1
10. Micah 5:9
11. 1 Sam 17:50-53 (David and Goliath)
12. Micah 7:8
13. Hosea 4:6 (destroyed for a lack of knowledge)
14. John 1:4-6, 12
15. Luke 12:2-3
16. 2 Cor. 4:6 (Where light is, darkness cannot be)
17. 2 Cor. 5:7 (walk by faith, not by sight)
18. John 16:33

Full Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Monday, January 15th of 2024, and it is very cold here in the state of Iowa. I think we're at like negative 14 degrees. And before I get to this prophetic word and this message that the Lord has. For me to give to you today, I think I want you all to agree with me regarding what is going on with the caucuses here.

So everything rolls out and starts out here in Iowa, God bless Iowa. And so we want to pray over all the ones who are going to caucus because it is extremely cold out here. I think it's like four negative 14 right now, but I think it's supposed to be a little bit warmer by tonight around seven.

Like maybe negative three If you call that warmer but I want to pray over all these things because there are things that the enemies are trying to do against this caucus here and of course against the election So I want to pray over Iowa, I want to pray over the caucuses, and of course and then at the end, I will pray over the nation, and of course, over every single one of you.

So, again, today is Iowa Caucus. So, Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, we just lift up all of the caucuses going on right now, Heavenly Father, that'll be happening tonight. And no matter the cold and no matter the plans and the plots and schemes of the enemy, we thank you, Father God, that you have infiltrated the infiltrator.

I thank you, Father God, that you are bringing down every single thing against these caucuses, everything against president Trump, everything against truth, everything against this nation. And I thank you, Father God, that you are bringing it to nothing by the glory and the power of your name. And I thank you that your name is above every name.

So, Father God, as we go to caucus. tonight. I thank you, Father God, that your hand is protecting each person that no weapon formed against them shall prosper and every informant and every person on the side of the wrong and every deception and everything that's going on. Father God, I thank you that you expose, you expose, you expose it all.

And we thank you for your truth to flood this State father, God, that your truth will flood this state father, God. And I thank you for what you're doing through our rightful president, heavenly father, for your protection over him, his life, and it's all of his family members, heavenly father, and anyone who's with him.

I thank you that this will be a movement of God today. And from the rest of this election season, father, God, it starts here in Iowa. We're proclaiming victory. We're proclaiming truth. We're proclaiming that this country is one nation under god And there is no evil entity or no evil plot plan and scheme of the enemy that will destroy the movement of almighty god to bring back our freedoms to bring back father god Our nation to bring back our liberty, to bring back father, God, our rightful president, to bring back this nation as a light and a beacon to this world.

And I thank you, father, God, that you have chose you've chosen us for such a time as this to be together. Father, God, father, God, gathering together this very day in this very way. Because we know that you win. So as we lift up, not only the Iowa caucus, but we lift up this nation to you, father God. And I thank you that we are one nation under God, that we are free and that we have every single election that has been stolen to be overturned, exposed and overturned because we thank you that you are true.

And you are flooding this nation and the world with your truth. That is destroying every lie that is destroying everything that has been done against us That's been destroying all the election all the stealing all of the fraud All of the things father god that the enemies are doing against us You are before us you are before us.

You are protecting us You are standing between our enemies and us. And I thank you that our enemies come out against us one way, but you come out, or they will flee before us seven ways. Because Father God, you are in the inside of us. You go before us. And I thank you that you scatter the enemy. You cut them off.

You bring them to nothing. You subdue them, Father God. And there are walls. Their walls of deception are coming down their walls father god everything all the foundation All the things that they have raised up against us. It is crumbling before our face No matter what they decide to do today or any other day I thank you father god that we are not going to be under their Subjection their control their rule any longer because father god you are in control And we thank you.

And we thank you, Father God, for the move. Of revelation, of your move, of your power, of your glory, of your truth, of our redemption rites, of the power and the authority of the name of Jesus and revival fires to spark here in Iowa today, Father God, and it not only sparks here, but it is a set of blaze, not only in this state, but all across the states of this nation.

That we are taking back our country and it starts today, Father God, in this state, we are taking back our nation. We are taking back our freedom. We are taking back the government from the global governments and from the elites and from the Washington establishment. We are taking it back, Father God, for you and for your name and for your goodness and for your love that you have for this nation.

And we thank you, Father God, not only have you chosen President Trump. For you have chosen so many around him, and I thank you, Father God, that he is your chosen person. To do your will father god to take back this nation from the globalists and I thank you heavenly father that you are anointed From the top of his head to the soles of his feet.

I thank you for giving him greater insight greater strength Greater revelation knowledge and whatever it need may be father god. I Thank you in the name of Jesus that he's rising up right now, even stronger in you, even stronger in his father, God, that he is Holy Ghost and fires filled and he is a tongue talking child of the most high God.

And I thank you father God that you are using him in a greater and more powerful way and that you will be in control of this nation. And I thank you father God for using every person. That you have chosen for this time, because you are cleaning out our House of Representatives, you're cleaning out our Senate, you're cleaning out our Supreme Court, you are cleaning out, you are cleaning out all the unlawful judges, you are cleaning out the Supreme Court, you are cleaning out it all.

And we thank you for cleaning house. We thank you for your will being done. We thank you father god the enemies under our feet and there is nothing The enemies have ever done even in this past 100 years father god that you can't undo in one day We know that you can because you are the great I am we thank you father God for moving Powerfully for moving swiftly across this land to bring great revival to bring a great Awakening to bring father God closer to you in Revelation of who you are and what you're doing for each and every one of us father God I thank you that you have given each and every one of us the ability to stand You've given us each and every one of us the ability to fight.

You have given us each and every one of us to go forward and to hold that line. You've given us every tool. You've given us your armor. You've given us a power, the Holy Spirit. You've anointed us for such a time as this. And every person, Father God that is watching, I thank you for greater strength in them because you told us that this year was going to be ups and downs.

And it's full

for some people will be great sorrow in the enemy's camp.

So father god, I thank you for you showing this world Your goodness your love and your mercy

forgive us father God that we didn't stand up and fight sooner because we didn't know

we didn't know all that was going on But we know now and as we know father God we move forward we march Forward in your name we march forward in your power and not in just this land But every born again Christian father God every child the most high God that is watching this or will watch it later

Give them that strength and perseverance to endure, to go above and beyond, because you told us to break free, to break out, to break forth, and to break through with you. You are in control. And I thank you, Father God, that they are all in the army, but they know it. They will not back off. And they will not back down, but a righteous indignation will rise up in them.

And as they open their mouth, and as you speak through their mouth, you give them the exact word that they have to say for each and every day, your plan.

Mend the broken hearts, Father God, all across this land and all across the world. Mend the hearts of your people

and free them from the torment in their minds. Free them from the torment in their bodies and free them from the torment, Father God, in their family. Free them from any torment financially. Free them from the torment, Father God, in every single thing, right now, in the name of Jesus. I lift up every person.

We all, Father God, have been poisoned. In many different ways from our enemy. And right now, I thank you that you are right now evicting, you are destroying, you are getting out every single thing that has been done against us in our bodies, Father God, we are calling in our health right now by the power of the authority name of Jesus to retroactively restore every damage that has been done, everything that enemy is doing, restore it, Father God, restore their health, restore their strength, Father God.

Restore, Father God, everything from the top of their head to the soles of their feet. Restore unto them everything that has been stolen. Everything that has been damaged, that you destroy it. We deny the access of our enemies to keep poisoning. To keep deceiving, to keep us in bondage, to keep us in slavery.

It is not that time, and Father God, I thank you that you are on a war path to bring back our freedoms. To bring back everything that belongs to the children of the Most High God.

You are the great deliverer, a great deliverer, so I thank you that not only are you delivering this nation from the hand of the globalists and the hand of this Washington uniparty establishment,

this nation is not theirs, and we will not wave any flag, but our American flag, we will not wave a white flag of surrender, but we will wave our flag of victory. Because our flag still stands for freedom, and there is nothing that they have done that can take that away.

So we thank you, Father God, for what you're doing in our lives. And I thank you that I will say these words, Father God, just as you've spoken them before.

To let my people go so they can freely serve me. Those are your words. Your words, and I thank you that those words are ringing for this day,

that your glory just shines through your people and all the darkness that has been plaguing them. All the darkness that has been tormenting them is destroyed because you are light. All the death. No, you are life. All the cursing. No, you are blessing. We call upon you and we invite you back into our life on a daily basis.

We invite you back into our nations. We invite you back into our governments. We invite you back into our families. We invite you back into our schools. We invite you back into our churches. We invite you, Father God, back in in every way that they try to take you out.

And I thank you that your hand is moving swiftly.

For I, the Lord, this day,

I say to my children,

don't lose hope

because your sorrow,

I am turning into joy.

I have heard you and I've heard the cries of my children in desperation. I've heard the cries of my children in their darkness. I've heard the cries of my children for freedom in their nations. I've heard the crying to bring back justice and liberty,

I have seen the pain that they've caused, I've seen the torment that they have put you through,

I've seen what they have done, I've seen the death, I have seen what they have done to your bodies, I've seen what they have done to your minds. I see the great deception they have, they have brought upon my earth

and in my churches to turn people from me.

My children, you have cried out in these last several years, you've cried out for freedom. You cried out for me to answer you and I am answering you. I am moving on your behalf, even though you may not understand and you may not see it all yet. Even in your darkest hours, I have not failed. Even in your darkest hours, I was hearing every single one of your cries.

And every single one of your prayers, and I had the answer. Because I am the answer. There are millions upon millions of people crying out for this nation to be that lightened beacon, to be my arm, to bring back freedom throughout the nations of the world, to bring back blessing and prosperity in this nation, this nation brings it to the world.

To free it from these globalists, and to free it from the hands of the wicked.

And I promise you, I am doing just that. I am destroying their bioweapons. I am destroying their terrorist cells. I am destroying the one world government before your face. And I will destroy the Washington establishment before your face. And you will see how hard they fall. You will see, no matter how long they've been there.

Oh yes, there is a great old establishment in your nation, O United States, but I will tell you, no matter how long they have been there, and no matter how many deep rooted establishment has been seated in those government seats, I am running each and every one of them out, I am removing every single one, and not one will be left standing, that's against me.

But this time that you are living in before you see each and every one of them removed; I promise you every one against me will be removed...

But before that...

there'll be a great cry

in this land

because of what's about to happen

Everything is growing in intensity

Shaking is gonna shake even harder now. The darkness is gonna grow. It's gonna seem like And death,

a great death.

And the ones who are against me,

I have warned them, and I've warned them to turn back. I have warned them to repent.

I have warned them to stop their destruction, and they chose not to.

I told you these are the Pharaohs of today. You can see that. Their hearts have grown cold.

And the wicked that I'm about to expose, you'll know why the death had to be the way it was.

And why a silence had to come, why a lock in had to take place.

Remember my words. Remember these words

because there's going to be a time where things are going to look like the opposite of what I've told you. And your enemy is going to swoop in to try to deceive you.

He's going to swoop in and try to get you offended at me and angry at me because you're wondering why, God, is these, are these things happening?

They had to take place. Just like they did in Egypt. Great Judgment had to come!

Because Pharaoh would not let my people go. You're about to see even greater judgment upon this earth Even in my book of Exodus

because there's not just one Pharaoh and all of his men There's many all over this world.

You will see your government start to collapse

all over this world I've heard you I have heard you I've heard you cry For great justice, and I am bringing it, but it's not without a shaking.

It's not without things looking worse,

but they won't be in the house of the Lord. They won't be for you, my children who are standing and who are believing and who are holding fast. I promise you, my light will shine through you even greater. I'm giving you greater strength and greater revelation knowledge and great anointing. That you will be in joy when the world is full of chaos.

You will be at peace when others who are against me, who are dealing with so much unrest.

It's coming,

a time where

it will grow very quiet.

In that quiet time with me, father, with your father, I will reveal more to you.

When the blackouts come, don't be afraid.

Don't be afraid, because I am all you need.

And I will show you that I Am your everything.

You don't have to rely on anyone else but me.

So my children

get ready

get ready for things to change Get ready for things to change because I am changing it all for your good saith the Lord

Well, that's what the Lord had to say today. I was gonna share another one With you, but he wanted something else. So as we are And he's warned us about 2024. Now, there's a lot of good things about 2024, and I don't want any of you to be worried. About what's about to take place this year. But I do want you to know that we have to know that God is in control and let God's light shine through each and every one of us through this time.

Let his light shine. Let his truth destroy all the darkness. Let his truth destroy every lie. Because he is bringing down the enemies of almighty God and that's why he keeps bringing us back to that book of Exodus He keeps bringing back to that So we are not going to be looking to the left looking to the right looking to other people for answers

When things are intensifying and when things are unusual and out of the ordinary He said it was on he gave me those three words And I know I'm pretty sure that I just pre recorded it that video So I've been pre recording for this week because I leave on Wednesday for Florida and he said unprecedented unusual and Unconventional those three words.

He kept telling me Unprecedented unconventional and unusual. So when we are at that point right now where we're, you know, wanting things to get real good right now, God is saying, remember, we're on a wild ride and this is where we need to rely and trust in God. Now I want to give you a few scriptures. I do have to go off early today because I have an appointment, but I want to give you some scriptures because the Lord Is wanting us and needing us.

And just like with that prophetic word, all we need is him. He's our everything. And when we're going through things, like say, for instance, he's, he's, he's been talking about a silence a lot. He's been talking about blackouts. He's been talking about a lock in. He's been talking about these things when warning about it because people aren't going to understand.

I told you he's been talking about viruses and the enemy has been mentioning a virus or a disease. It's called disease X. They're mentioning these things because they're going to do something.

They're going to try to bring mass deaths everywhere. Now it's not going to go the way they want it. Just like COVID didn't go the way they wanted it. But what do we have to do? We have to prepare ourselves and prepare our hearts. Prepare ourselves in, okay, God, what do you want me to say? What are you doing about the situation?

We need to right now have more focus on what God is saying, what God is doing that any other, anything else, no matter what the news is saying, what is God new saying, what is his report saying? His report is the good news, which is the word of God. That's what we have to be paying attention to. And when I was crying, it's not because I'm in fear.

It's not.... Because there *are *times where the compassion of the Lord comes on me. You have to understand, even when he's talking about these deaths, and a lot of them are going to be the people against the enemies of Almighty God. He still loves them. He hates the sin, but he loves the sinner. It's the compassion of the Lord.

They're his creation, even though they've turned their back on him. He gives them opportunity just like he gives all of us an opportunity. Well, we make mistakes, but they've hardened their heart just like pharaoh did and when pharaoh hardened his heart, you know, He kept pursuing God's people and again, I asked God because I know you guys heard me say this But when Pharaoh's heart was hardened God hardened it and I said God why why could it just be easy when Pharaoh or when Moses?

Went to Pharaoh and just say hey, let my people go and it just was the end of it He said no because my children needed to see that I was their defender that I was their protector That I was their deliverer that I was the one true God They needed me to see they needed to see me do that But they also the enemies of Almighty God needed to see that I was the one in control and not them They needed to see all the gods as they served or nothing compared to me He wanted to give them an opportunity to turn back and repent and they wouldn't we all have our own choice So did they and so do our enemies now?

And so in this time of shaking in this time that guys say member that shaking is too full because it's shaking us loose From all the chains, from all the captivity, from all the bondage, from all the torment, from all the torture, from all the damage that they have done. He had on my heart to pray over each and every one of you, because he knows, he's been telling us.

We have been poisoned for a long time. We were unaware. They, he said, they poisoned our soil. They've been poisoning our air, poisoning our food, poisoning our water, poisoning our medicine. They've been doing everything to destroy our bodies. Functionality. To get us weak. To get us sick. But it's more in a greater bondage than slavery.

Just like Pharaoh did. He destroyed God's people physically. By putting them under such a type of bondage and slavery that they couldn't fight back, that they would be too weak to fight back, too frail to fight back. In every area, not just physically, but mentally. God is saying, this is the time of freedom.

But just like Egypt, it was darker. It got crazier. You think of all the, all the ten plagues. Think about every single one of those plagues. And how everyone else that saw it, how they, they perceived it. They probably said what in the world is going on. I mean, just like what right now is going on in this country.

God told us unusual weather. Well, that prophecy was from two years ago and he said in that year be cleansing. Well, in that time where prophecy was fulfilled was just last week. Lizards, snow storms in one area, thunderstorms and tornadoes in another. It was Florida in the South. It's cleansing, but during this time, there's unusual things going on right now.

There's an arctic blast that's going like through most of this country. Even I know that even Florida is not gonna be as warm as I would like it to be that we're going to be there this weekend. But again, when things are unusual or uncomfortable, they may feel like that is when God is getting our attention.

And saying, look to me and not your enemy. Look to me to fix these things. Look to me, don't look to yourselves. Look to me, God is the one that's in control. We have to know that. And the scripture he gave me, I, there's so many of them this morning. I was going in so many different ways this morning and I was praying.

I'm just, okay, Lord, what do you want me to say today? What do you want me to do today? And he took a totally different direction than I thought. He was going to take which is awesome because that word he gave was awesome. Turn to Psalm 119,

Psalm 119 in verse 105,

Psalm 119 in verse 105.

Now, remember he keeps talking about darkness. Okay, there's been, there's a growing darkness, but look what we're supposed to have, God's light. It says in Psalm 119, 105, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light. To my path. So right now, when there is darkness, God's word is a lamp into our feet and light into our path.

He will lead us, guide us through that darkness. So where it's not touching us, so where it's not destroying us, so where it's not tormenting us, so where do I have control over us? God's word is a lamp into our feet and a light to our path. And so we don't know which way to turn, we don't know where to go, God's light.

Which is his word the entrance of his word gives light So if you need direction today You need to know what to do in the midst of this darkness And what to do in the midst of these things that are unusual get into the word of god And also psalm 119 in verse 130 psalm 119 in verse 130 the entrance and unfolding of your words gives light their unfolding gives understanding discernment and comprehension to the simple This morning I, when I was praying and all of a sudden I just kept hearing Psalm 119, Psalm 119, and I was like, well, what about Psalm 119 and these is what he wanted because I, I, I was writing down all these scriptures about light and darkness.

And then he showed me Psalm 119 again, the entrance and unfolding of your word gives light. So we need light in our souls or light in our, our lives. We need freedom. We need truth. We need answers. We need direction. You go to the word of God, go to the word. The word is everything you need. It has every solution to every problem that you are facing.

The Word of God.

Go to Psalm 112, Psalm 112, and verse 4,

look at this. Remember again, he talks about darkness, we're talking about darkness into light. Verse 4, Psalm 112, verse 4, Light arises in darkness for the upright, gracious, compassionate, and just who are in right standing with God. Look at that light arises in darkness. And so as the world is getting darker, as things become more chaotic, we should be more sound.

We should be more immovable. We should be more, have more light on the inside of us. We should be more in a. Fighting mode and, and have that righteous in a nation and fight for justice and liberty and say, Lord, I thank you that every day I'm going to stand on your word. Every day. I thank you that you are giving me light, even though the world is getting darker, but I thank you that on the inside of me, I thank you that I'm growing brighter.

I thank you that you are making me stronger. I thank you. You are giving me greater revelation. I thank you, father, God, that I have a sound mind. I have the mind of Christ. I will not be moved. I will not be deceived. I will not be led astray. The entrance of God's word brings light. And again, one Psalm 112, verse 4, Light arises in darkness.

So the body of Christ, even though we don't look real great right now, at times, Because there's so much division and there's so much just infighting and anger and bitterness and unforgiveness between the body of Christ and religions and doctrines and the all these different types of denominations,

if we just have the word of God front and center. And leave God first and foremost and stop being distracted and stop being letting others get to us spiritually. We let God's light shine through us. Remember God said break free, break forth, break out and break through all the chains that have been holding you, all the lies that have been keeping you, anything that's been going on against you, anything that is in your life.

That's not good. It's not of God. So again, light arises in darkness. We are arising in this darkness. The body of Christ, which looks so Not good is Arising together in unity and we need to stand Unified arm in arm as children of the Most High God in one accord with the head Which is Jesus Christ and we stand up and we need to destroy all the evil and all the darkness that's been against us Remember when God said, hold the line.

It's like, you know, like we're all wearing our armor and we're standing arm in arm with each other. That's what I see. We're standing arm in arm. It may not look that way, but it is that way.

All right. Now I'm going to read another one. Let's go to Isaiah,

Isaiah 60, Isaiah 60 verse one, Arise. Here's that word again. Arise from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you. Rise to a new life, shine, be radiant with glory of the Lord, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Guys, light is rising in you and we're supposed to arise when we're supposed to get up, we're supposed to stand up.

We're supposed to fight the good fight of faith. We're not supposed to give in. We're supposed to resist. We're supposed to push back. We're supposed to deny the power of the enemy. We are supposed to be fighters. And when we fight, we win. We're supposed to arise from all the situations and circumstances that have kept us down, that have kept us in that, that miry clay and the pit and the darkness of despair and heaviness.

God is there's an awakening going on a light is shining even brighter in this darkness. And that's the body of Christ That's God's remnant. That's you and I

all right, then let's let's turn to Micah Micah

chapter 5

Micah chapter 5 in verse 9 I want to remind you because the Lord reminded me of this scripture again this morning and then in the midst of darkness Remember God's light shines and we arise In the midst of darkness, we will not be held down. We will not be kept back because God is rising us up above our enemies.

Micah chapter five, verse nine, your hand will be lifted up above your adversaries and your enemies shall be cut off. Your hand will be lifted up above your adversaries and all your enemies shall be cut off.

We can't give too much attention. We have to know what's going on. But do not give too much attention to what they are doing. Do not have faith or trust in the fact that they are going to do something and they're going to accomplish it because they're not. It may look like they're accomplishing these things.

It may look like they accomplished and what they did with the 2020 election and all the elections before that, that they stole.

God had given me prophetic word. Now I, again, I recorded these for you this week already since I'll be gone. But one of the things that he said was they don't want another one. The enemies of almighty God do not want another election in this country. They definitely don't want a fair one. We haven't had fair free elections for a long time.

We just had the illusion of fair and free elections, and this is all going to be exposed.

But in this time that it looks like they're rising up and it looks like they're doing more against you or against their nation No matter where you're living. God is the one who cuts off our enemy when Pharaoh got right up next to very close to the Children of Israel when they were stuck at the Red Sea God cut him off got cut him off.

He stopped them They could not go any farther. He let him go to a certain degree to a certain place Even though it may have seemed close, it may have seemed like the enemy was going to take him back, kill him, or bring him back to Egypt. It looked like the enemy was winning. And then a suddenly happened.

Suddenly, God stood in between them and the enemy, and there was nothing the enemy could do to get back. Pass what God was doing and he stopped them. And that's exactly what God is doing. He is going to stop our enemies in the midst of them pursuing us. He's going to stop their plans. He's going to destroy everything that they're doing.

And we are going to see them fall. Just like the children of Israel saw the Egyptians fall in front of their face with the wall, with the with the Red Sea and the walls of Jericho, David Goliath, Goliath fell and God, and God said, we're going to see how hard giants can fall.

We're right now. In a time where we have to realize the things are not going to be as usual. We have to understand that we have to put God first and foremost in our life. His word first and foremost in our life. I want to read another one, Micah chapter seven and verse eight,

rejoice on against me. Oh, my enemy. When I fall, I shall arise. And when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me. When we sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto us. And again, it says, Rejoice on against me, O my enemy. For when I fall, I shall arise. This nation looked like it fell, and our enemies were rejoicing, and they were laughing, and they thought that they had it all, and that's the reason why they're doing all these things, they think they've gotten away with it all.

But right here in the scripture, Rejoice not against me, O my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. Even though it looks like this country has fallen, I promise you, I promise you, this country is going to be even greater, even stronger, and the light is going to shine even brighter throughout the world, and everything that has been held back, everything that has been suppressed, God is going to make it re retroactively restored under this nation.

He's bringing his hand back under this nation. He's bringing blessing back. He's bringing power back. He's bringing our rightful president back. He's bringing everything we, it belongs to us. In this nation, he's bringing it back. And when you see it, no matter what nation you're living in, when you see what happens in the United of America, know that the same God that did it for this nation is doing it for yours.

Remind yourselves of who is control. Remind yourselves of the great I am. Remind yourself that he's a most high God. Remind yourself that he is undefeated. Remind yourself that God wins. Remind yourself that God is. Control and he is undefeated and the enemies lose every time we will not Be taken out. We will not be taken down and destroy that fear get rid of it.

It's too impossible No way, no, how God's not gonna do anything Well, that's not scriptural because God's hand is moving across this land God's hand is moving across the nations And even in the midst of all that darkness, remember light will destroy that darkness. And that light will shine even brighter.

God's people were not taken seriously before because a lot of us were asleep. We had no idea. We had no idea, but now we're awake. And it says in God's word in Hosea 4, 6, God's people were destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Well, God has been giving us revelation knowledge. He's been giving us all these things now It's our part of what we're gonna do about it.

Believe and trust in God believe and trust what he's saying Now those of you who are just joining there was a prophetic word toward I think in the beginning of this Live stream. So if you want to go back after this is over you can go back I think it's I don't even know I wasn't looking at time. I've been 10 minutes in I'm powerful Prophetic word that God is giving it to us about what we are expecting in this year.

And again, no matter what kind of unprecedented, what kind of things that are unconventional or unusual, no matter what, no matter if it's uncomfortable, God is saying, look to me. He is our everything. I want to give another scripture here before I go. John, go to John chapter 1.

John chapter one in verse four in him was life and the life was a light of men God's Word said right here John 1 verse 4 in him was life and the life was a light of men

and No light versus verse 5 and the light shines in the darkness for the darkness has never overpowered it but out or absorbed it or Appropriated it and has not been unreceptive to it Verse 6 there came a man sent by God whose name was John and it goes on and on but look down to verse 12 But to us as many as he did receive and welcome him He gave the authority power and privilege and right to become the children of God That is to those who believe and adhere and trust and rely on his name.

Well children of God I want to read that again in verse 5 John 1 verse 5 And the light shines in the darkness for the darkness has never overpowered it darkness will never overpower light So again guys been talking there is more scriptures about dark and light. Let me read

Luke chapter 12 go to Luke chapter 12

Luke chapter 12 in verse 2 There is nothing covered that will not be revealed nor hidden that will not be known Therefore whatever have spoken in dark will be heard in the light and what you have spoken in the ear in the inner rooms Will be proclaimed on the housetops remember guys been saying that that all the enemy's been doing things behind closed doors and in the darkness Well everything that they've done in darkness Everything that they every word they spoke every plot every plan or every scheme that they have committed All that's to be brought to light and what does light do light destroys the darkness and get them to say this Darkness will never overpower light Because darkness is of our adversary.

He is darkness because you know, we go to heaven There's no there's no shadow in heaven. There's no darkness in heaven because there's no evil in heaven There's no sin in heaven But god's light is going to shine brighter in this darkness and god's light is going to destroy That darkness and destroy all the darkness and what it all has done to each and every one of us But how do we destroy darkness in our own bodies our own minds our own life and our own families or our children or anything else?

On a daily basis, what do we do? God's light, or God's word is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path. If you need direction today, if you need understanding today, if you need light because you're going through so much darkness today, what is your answer? The answer is the word of God. God's word is light.

God's word is direction. God's word gives everything that you need. It gives you every answer to every problem. It has a solution. God's word is a solution to everything that you're seeing today in this world. God's love destroys hate. God's blessing destroys the curse. God wins. So if God wins, then why would any of us be discouraged today?

We have to walk by faith, be believers, believing and trusting, relying on God, walk by faith and not by sight, walk by faith and not by sight. And to those of you who missed it, there was the prayer at the beginning. Of this live show today instead of the end again all these prophetic words that God's been giving to us all that's revelation that God is giving to us Hold on because even when everything it looks like is moving and it's uncontrollably shaking It's shaking uncontrollably.

Everything's going crazy. It may seem like More chaotic, you are going to be relying on God, trusting in him, believing in him, getting in his word, not being moved, not being to the point where you are being deceived anymore because you have the truth. And I want to read something else before I go, John,

I told you this was a scripture that I used to cry reading it because there were so many things in my own life that was going wrong. And this scripture just gave me so much hope. And I pray it does for you too. John 16 33 I told you these things so that in in me you may have perfect peace and confidence in the world You'll have tribulation trials distress and frustration, but be of good cheer take courage Be certain be confident and certain and undaunted for I've overcome the world I've deprived it of its power to harm you and I've conquered it for you.

We are in this world. We're not of it Think of Goshen, stand on that, realize even when there was darkness in Egypt, a gross darkness where people didn't even get out of their beds, it was that dark. There was light in Goshen. God was their light. He was their protector. He was their advocate. He was their standby.

He was their deliverer. He was their healer. And he's doing the same thing for us today. So I really do hope this encourages you again, go back. There was a prophetic word towards the beginning and a prayer. I will be back on tomorrow again at 6 30 central time. And you will be seeing me pre recording from Wednesday.

To monday of next week wednesday to monday watch those videos. There is powerful and I mean powerful prophetic words Very detailed mentioning people's names mentioning what god is doing. They are very descriptive Okay, so I want you guys to watch those and share them out To get people to realize that God is exposing.

This is the time of great exposing and great information report out everywhere. And there's nothing that enemies have done that have their lives and deception and everything else I've been trying to do. It's not working anymore. Okay. But before I go, also, if you want any Julie green ministries, merchandise, you can go to threesomesthreads.

com. There are still Godwin shirts left in some different sizes. But you can check the website and there are new things going to come in in the next couple weeks also if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgm international. org under our contact Contact page or you can rise at julie green ministries international 46 20 east 53rd street Sweet 200 down for iowa 5 2 8 0 7.

We hope to encourage you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone. You know who needs to hear an encouraging word who needs to hear the truth Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

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