Biden Freaks Out In South Carolina And Starts Screaming About Trump

8 months ago

Joe Biden went to South Carolina on Saturday to campaign. He barely does any work as it is, spends a lot of his time on vacation, but now during the little time he is actually "working," he's trying to pull himself together to campaign. It's not working. He can't seem to pull it together anymore. He was always bad but it's even worse now. Now the incoherence is more and more apparent, as is the out-of-control anger and the slurring.

This part was even worst where he completely lost it while repeating a debunked hoax about what former President Donald Trump supposedly said about a cemetery visit where American soldiers were buried in France. This has been roundly debunked and no, there's no evidence that "he actually said that." Moreover it's just completely untrue that Trump "refused" to go. He wanted to go but they didn't go because of concerns about weather, as emails revealed.

But on top of losing his mind over yet another false story that media and Democrats like to spread about Trump, notice how he includes his son among the fallen World War II soldiers. His son not only wasn't in World War II, but he didn't fall in battle, he died of cancer. How dare he keep spreading this falsehood suggesting his son died in battle. Or is he so far gone he believes this? Seriously, he is not well and we are in danger with this man occupying the highest office in the land.

• More at: RedState - Biden Freaks Out in South Carolina and Starts Screaming About Trump

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