Roy: The Pro-CCP Activists That Harassed the UK Pianist Are CCP Operatives

1 year ago

01/26/2024 Roy on The John Fredericks Show: In the communist China, only 12% of Chinese people have a passport. Over 600 million people only have $140 income per month. And also there are over 800 million farmers who don’t have the capability and connections to own almost everything. Those pro-CCP activists that harassed the UK pianist are certainly CCP spies and operatives. They were doing some jobs for the CCP government.
01/26/2024 罗伊做客The John Fredericks Show:在中共国,只有12%的人拥有护照。超过6亿人月收入不足140美金。中共国有超过8亿农民几乎没有任何能力和资源拥有一切。那些骚扰英国钢琴家的亲中共分子肯定是中共间谍和特务。他们在为中共政府执行一些任务。

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