2024-- Coming at us this year: The 6 attackers and the One Defender

8 months ago

Moving into 2024 its worth giving you the heads up on 6 battles impacting everyone this year.

The outcome will change our lives.

To be “forewarned is forearmed”. Fore knowledge allows preparation and gives us time to alter the outcome- if we chose to.

But only through the knowledge of actual empirical measurable facts can we make the best decisions.

My experience over the past 20 years however is that these crucial facts are not out in the open so I am asking you to dig for them for the benefit of your wealth, health, family and faith.

Attacker #1 World Health Organization

Attacker # 2: Through the covid vaccines, women and their reproductive ability are under attack

Attacker #3 Climate fears are unnecessarily diminishing our wealth and comfort

Attacker #4 ESG, DEI, BLM

Attacker ##5 Too many people on earth- the foundation of the destabilization and destruction we see

Attacker #6 of the subjects I am asking you to open your ears as soon as possible is the historic truth of classic economics.

#7 The Defender: Jesus and the Bible.

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