Column17 1/27/2024 Community Project Presentations

1 year ago

📣Thank you to our amazing presenters!!

Rhonda E - Community/Healing/Education Center
MaShon - Community Concept
Kellie-Ann - Community Concept
Toni - Restructuring Education
Rhonda S - Sr. Citizen Assistance / Revitalizing Farmland / Community Liaison

It was BEAUTIFUL to see how everyone's visions so naturally fit together. The communities, the community centers which could be in these communities, the education buildings, the sr. care which could be next to the schools. Without even trying, we are all imagining the same concepts in our futures and then focused on different aspects. It was really really heart warming and expanding to see us all create beautiful puzzle pieces for a much bigger puzzle of utopia.

It was so easy to picture each project as they felt like collective dreams. 🥰

THANK YOU everyone who joined and participated and added additional wind in the sails of all of these projects!!

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