Ep #185: Do you truly know what your favourite things are?

1 year ago

A key piece of evidence of the level of your self-awareness, of the depth of your self-awareness, is whether you truly know what your favourite things are.

And, this Show is all about deepening your level of self-awareness.

Do you truly know what your favourite things are?

If not, then I urge you to restart your search for these things.

This search would have started in your childhood days, but may have been interrupted by your studies, by marriage, by having five children like me, illness or some other major dramas.

As the great song from the wonderful film, Sound of Music, says in "My Favourite Things; "When I remember my favorite things, then I don't feel so bad."

So, what are those favourite things and what brings you pleasure in trying times?

If you're having a tough time shift your focus. Don't focus on what's bad focus on your favourite things.

Keep watching or listening for the rest of today's Show....

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In this episode. I aim to enlighten you about the costs and the benefits of the road that you choose to travel. It's a most important and crucial choice before you!

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