儘管深層政府反對 災難性的 #揭露 仍將到來

1 year ago


儘管深層政府反對 災難性的 #揭露 仍將到來

Catastrophic #Disclosure is Coming Despite Deep State Opposition

A “controlled disclosure” plan to gradually reveal the truth about non-human intelligence and crashed #UFO s recently failed to pass the US Congress due to Deep State opposition. That has created the opportunity for a more radical “catastrophic disclosure” where whistleblower testimonies and open intervention by non-human intelligence reveal to the world once and for all that we are not alone.

This video is the official trailer to the Feb 3 Webinar, What's Coming in 2024: Catastrophic Disclosure. To register, visit: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/whatscoming2024

Great thanks to Jas Marlin for creating this video and to Angelika Whitecliff for assisting in its production and narration.

來源: #MichaelSalla 英語原版 https://exopolitics.org/catastrophic-disclosure-is-coming-despite-deep-state-opposition/

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