Article 4621 Video - About Cash and More - Saturday, January 27, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article 4621 Video - About Cash and More - Saturday, January 27, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Yes, the banks are running out of cash--in a sense. The Federal Reserve Banks have been restricting delivery of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES to the tributary banks for the past three years, causing many smaller banks to fail.

FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES are evidence of their debt, so obviously, if they can get you to return their I.O.U. to them without actually paying for it, they are ahead of the game.

The more FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES they can withdraw from the market and from circulation, the less their liability.

So of course they are "failing" to produce new fiat debt note currency and withdrawing as much fiat currency as they can from circulation and cutting back on supplies to banks, too.

And trying desperately to find a narrative that will make people willing to surrender their cash or, better yet, from their perspective, throw it away.

Ridiculous, you say? How about a Disease X that could be passed from hand to hand via the physical exchange of filthy lucre?

They've already thought of that one.

They want to get rid of FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES because they are evidence of debt. They want to get rid of cash, too, because then they could utterly control you and limit and micromanage your lives for their benefit.

For 160-plus years, the Federal Reserve has been selling a purported ownership interest in the labor of British Territorial U.S. Citizens (and every American in sight that they can impersonate).

They have been siphoning off the value of our labor which is our asset as collateral backing their debt notes --- which means that they have created a system of peonage.

Peonage has been illegal since 1926. It is also illegal to securitize living flesh, but they have done that, too, by pretending that we magically ceased to be living men and women.

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