Article Video - International Public Notice: British Crown Tax Fraud in Progress By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4619 Video - International Public Notice: British Crown Tax Fraud in Progress - Friday, January 26, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We have already covered the fact that no so-called humans nor any subhumans exist, and so all legal systems and presumptions related to these things are vacuous imaginings that are founded on known falsehoods and vacated authorities.

We do not recognize the legal systems created to control phantasms, nor do we subject ourselves to them, but instead, we fully recognize and exercise our complete and natural exemption, and consider all those who subject themselves to such an imaginary caste system to be potentially dangerous lunatics.

We have covered how the British Crown Corporation deceitfully doing business as "United States of America"-- but not including the word "Incorporated" so as to disclose the nature of the beast and the nature of their claims -- has secretly registered the privately held Given Names of millions of Americans without disclosure or conscionable agreement, and has then established British Crown Copyrights on these names and has "assumed" that we are Wards of the State and the British King --- whoever and whatever "he" may be at this point.

The names of these unlawfully converted Americans thus illegally and unconscionably deemed to be British Subjects are denigrated to the status of humans and the American people are being deceitfully misaddressed as such for purposes of unjust enrichment.

The United States Postal Service (a Mail Service, not a Post Office) is being used to deliver misaddressed mail to the Americans in violation of postal regulations.

Mail is for the intergovernmental Royal Mail Service and should never be addressed to anyone but British Subjects living in America, but as we've seen millions of Americans have been "presumed upon" by these cretins via the use of unconscionable contracts and undisclosed registration processes resulting in Americans being purposefully misidentified as British Subjects and denigrated to the political status of so-called humans operating as U.S. Citizens.

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