Episode 156, January 27, 2024

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Episode 156, January 27, 2024

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-Showdown between Texas and the Feds. Texas Governor Greg Abbott will not comply with the Biden Administration's demands to let federal border agents tear down Texas' razor wire to keep out illegal aliens. Online commentators are split, with some salivating for civil war, while others are scolding anyone who thinks it might be time for a decisive moment.

-Law enforcement across the West is in a sorry state as officers defend the "rights" and interests of foreign squatters against the actual legal rights of the citizens. Watch how a female British police officer tries to tell a British citizen he "can't" film his public piano performance because the Chinese Communist tourists watching don't want their faces on camera.

-An update with more detail on the Ohio woman who miscarried into a toilet and had to answer to a grand jury for abuse of a corpse. Friend of Disaffected Christopher Aaron Felker joins us.

-Young women in the workplace. We've had enough of them. You?

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