Parkinson's Symptoms Are "NOT" From Lack Of Dopamine, Pollutants & Heavy Metals.

1 year ago

In my opinion, Big-pharma has been cheating people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, out of their health, & their lives, so as to, in my opinion, maximize drug sales, since 1868, when in fact, Parkinson's disease doesn't even exist "AS A DISEASE"... This is "HOW" they have been cheating us to make MEGA-DOLLARS out of society, for selling drugs that don't do "ANYTHING" but increase sales... Big-pharma declares these diseases "mysterious & incurable", so they don't need to make drugs that actually achieve something in the way of significant symptom reduction, or remission... As these diseases are classed mysterious & incurable, the drugs they supply, don't really need to do much... If you watch my video of "Sherry" which is the "PATIENT 13" video, you will see how Sherry's neurologist advised her to inject herself with Copaxone, in the sides of her thighs (Vastus Lateralis muscles that influence sideways balance), for 6 years, & Sherry actually became fully immobile while administering those injections, "PROOF" that the injections not only did "NOTHING" to help her, but instead, put her in a wheelchair...

The symptoms doctors & neurologists use, to claim a person has "AN INCURABLE DISEASE" (Parkinson's disease), are caused by (1), excessive release of the muscle stiffness hormone "Noradrenaline", due to ongoing personal stress, more released into one side of the body than the other, (2), to cause "One-sided distortions in the spinal-support muscles", which creates spinal curvature, scoliosis & vertebral subluxations (MISALIGNMENTS), that, (3), squash portions of the brainstem & spinal cord, & nerves exiting the brainstem & spinal cord, to create every symptom associated with Parkinson's disease, or any of the other 22 diseases that Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot & Big-pharma executives conjured up from as far back as 1868, when they came up with the first fake disease, that began this whole international scam off: - "Multiple Sclerosis"...

There are 23 of these "Stiffness", or "Rigidity" diseases that are fake disease names, none of which have any sort of genuine test, that can prove these diseases actually exist, or that can prove a person has one of these diseases...

Don't be cheated out of your health, & your life, if you are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease or any of the other fake diseases, have a chiropractor & a massage therapist realign your spine & relax your muscles, & you yourself, be on a healthy diet, make water your main drink, not coffee or alcohol, correct any posture abnormalities, & manage your finances & your life, really well, so you enjoy life, with friends who have respect for others, & who are honest & positive...

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