BCP: Holub has launched the Fiducia Supplicans sodomite journey in the Pilsen diocese

1 year ago

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Dear Catholic faithful of the Pilsen diocese,
some of you have written to us, expressing the sorrow of many sincere Catholics at the path of apostasy of your Bishop Tomáš Holub.
Our Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate is the prophetic voice (cf. Eph 2:20) of one crying in the wilderness. In these hard times, it safeguards the faith and morals. The bishops of our Patriarchate are monks living in monasteries.
With the pastoral letter for 2024, Tomáš Holub, as he put it, has opened the celebration of the Diocesan Synod 2024-2026. It is de facto about implementing the October Vatican Synod and the subsequent heretical declaration Fiducia Supplicans, which legalizes rebellion against God. The blessing of homosexual acts will be included in so-called pastoral care, as Cardinal Müller openly stated after the Synod.
Holub makes no secret of his unity with the invalid Pope Francis in promoting heresies and immorality. Jorge Bergoglio has already excommunicated himself from the Church because of heresies that destroy the very essence of Christianity. In addition to promoting God-forbidden sodomy (2Pe 2:6; Jud 1:7), he enthroned the Pachamama demon (2019) and dedicated himself to Satan under the guidance of a sorcerer in Canada (2022).
After the October Synod, the pseudo Pope issued the motu proprio Ad theologiam promovendam, in which he openly established the principle of paradigm shift. In doing so, he set out a suicidal path that is in direct contradiction to Scripture and Tradition. By proclaiming the sodomite anti-gospel, Bergoglio has ipso facto placed himself under God’s anathema stated in God’s Word in Gal 1:8-9: “Let him be accursed.” Bishop Holub is completely in line with the pseudo Pope’s path.
The Church Fathers express the truth concerning a heretic in the papal office which St Bellarmine summarized in the words: “The Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church.” It follows that the manifest heretic Francis Bergoglio is not a valid Pope. This is the teaching of Catholic tradition. It is backed by Church Fathers such as St Jerome, St Cyprian, St Augustine, saints such as St Francis de Sales, St Alphonsus of Liguori, and the aforementioned St Robert Bellarmine. Also, this teaching of the Church is expressed by Pope Innocent III and by the dogmatic bull of Pope Paul IV.
The main direction of the synodal journey, as indicated by Cardinal Müller, who personally participated in the October Synod, is to push the ecclesial LGBTQ legalization involving the blessing of homo-unions, and the second decadent direction is the ordination of women. Cardinal Müller, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, clarified that homosexual “LGBT” ideology is an openly anti-Christian ideology. He literally said: It’s the spirit of the Antichrist speaking through the LGBTQ agenda. Thus, it is a process of transforming the Church into a New Age anti-church, a synagogue of Satan (cf. Rev 3:9).
The promotion of this suicidal Church agenda is also hidden behind Bishop Holub’s mix of religious phrases in his New Year’s speech. Card. Müller characterized the synodal path as doctrinally incompetent and canonically illegitimate.
The Catholic public should open their eyes and see that Bishop Holub no longer has the Catholic faith and is not even a Christian. By his internal unity with the apostasy of the invalid Pope, he ipso facto places himself under the punishment of God’s Word for another gospel according to Gal 1:8-9. Through the so-called synodal path, Holub is publicly advocating for the Church’s legalization of LGBTQ, i.e., advocating for the betrayal of Christ.
In his New Year’s letter, Bishop Holub publicly revealed what he is heading for and what his agenda is. It is the agenda of the Antichrist involving the blessing of Sodom’s rebellion against God and His commandments. The consequence of Holub’s apostasy is that all the sacraments he confers are null and void, i.e., his Masses are null and void and are nothing more than a farce or embarrassing spectacle, and ordinations of priests performed by him are also null and void. If he gives a blessing, God does not bless, for it is an abuse of God’s name, and on the contrary he brings a curse on those whom he so to speak blesses.
What is the worldwide reaction to the so-called doctrinal declaration Fiducia Supplicans of the invalid Pope Francis? The bishops of Hungary, Kazakhstan and the entire bishops’ conferences of Africa, namely Nigeria, Ghana, Malawi, Zambia, as well as other bishops, have clearly published their rejection of this declaration. They refuse to bless the sin of Sodom. Bishops in general are under pressure. Most do not have the courage to publicly oppose the declaration, but neither do they endorse it, realizing that it would be a betrayal of Christ and the Church and would bring down upon them the latae sententiae excommunication.
Bishop Holub, on the other hand, is one of the apostate bishops who have already inwardly betrayed Christ and His teachings and have driven out the Spirit of truth. Monsignor Holub and the bishops of Germany have abandoned the foundations of the Church, that is, Scripture and Tradition. These so-called bishops are in fact spiritual murderers and gravediggers of the Church. They are actively trying to implement Bergoglio’s plan of transforming the Church, starting from their dioceses. Cardinal Müller refers to this strategy as a trick. They actually put heresies into practice first and, once the heresies take root, they confirm them with ecclesial pseudo-documents. But it must be known that this is no longer the Catholic Church in any case.
What should the faithful of the Diocese of Pilsen do? They should pray and sincerely call on God to give them light and strength and save them. Then the faithful should urge the bishop by their letters to stop this path of suicide and to do true penance, that is, to publicly renounce the suicidal LGBTQ synodal path.
Holub will appeal to the Church’s canons and their paragraphs to impose punishments for disobedience and for alleged schism. But it should be known that in the hands of public heretics and apostates, including Tomáš Holub, these canons and paragraphs are ineffective. For they are ineffective and invalid where Scripture and Tradition are denied – the divine foundation on which the Church’s canons stand. A manifest heretic is excommunicated from the Church, whether he be pseudo-Pope Bergoglio or pseudo-Bishop Holub. Therefore, no heretical bishop or heretical pope has the right to threaten their subordinates with ecclesiastical laws or excommunications for so-called disobedience or for alleged schism.
The faithful should persist in calling on Holub to abdicate, even if he boycotts them. He, like Bergoglio, will not resign voluntarily. The Diocese of Pilsen, thanks to Holub, an active promoter of the LGBTQ synodal journey, will probably have the first true Catholic Church in the catacombs.
But the faithful of the Pilsen diocese also need to turn to the Czech Primate. Activists should organize a petition demanding Holub’s removal and the appointment of a true Catholic bishop on the grounds that by promoting sodomy Holub brings God’s curse on the entire territory of the Pilsen diocese. The petition should last until the demand is satisfied.
How exactly will this process crystallize? God will show that if you take the basic steps to save the most precious treasure, which is the saving faith. This faith is conditioned by sound doctrine, but diametrically opposed by the LGBTQ synodal path to eternal destruction embodied by the apostate bishop Holub.
Dear priests, religious and faithful of the Diocese of Pilsen, you are facing a struggle for fidelity to Christ and His Gospel. Become an example for all Catholics who are in a similar situation as you.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

13 January 2024

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