Blessing before Chinese New Year

11 months ago

Video: Blessing before Chinese New Year, China open to all religions, no discrimination, no religion ties to Chinese Government last 5,000 years. No religion allows to involve in Chinese politics. It is striking difference from Western Democracy, using religion to brainwashing voters, to invade nations, regime changes, taking colonies and overthrowing legitimate governments like those in Hawaii. 農曆新年前的祝福,中國對所有宗教開放,沒有歧視,中國政府五千年來沒有宗教聯繫。任何宗教都不允許參與中國政治。這與西方民主截然不同,西方民主利用宗教對選民洗腦、侵略國家、更迭政權、佔領殖民地、推翻夏威夷王國等合法政府.

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