Happiness in U.K. over IDF fatwa-lities

11 months ago

We present here fair usage excerpts from other publicly available sources to illustrate differences in attitudes (toward our fellow human beings) between faiths having their roots in ancient Mesopotamian god worship and the faiths based on the historical Abraham, his descendants and their authentic sources: Judaism and Christianity.

If you do not like free, spirited discussion of various belief-centered topics, or you do not like to encounter opinions that differ from those you may have, please do not watch.

Also, we hope the attitudes displayed by the citizens and/or visitors in this video are not representative of many of their faith living in the U.K.

Of course, it is a fact that these opinions arguably proceed directly from the clear teachings in their own scripture and the authentic books of the scholars of that faith.

Please see the channel of Christian Prince for the full video: "DEV4STATING News to Islamist and Allah" 26-Jan-2024

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