Cop Charged With Child Abuse - Frank Williams - 1/20/24 - Milwaukee P.D. - Cops Are Out Of Control

1 year ago

All are innocent until proven guilty.

On 1/20/24, Frank Williams, a police officer with the Milwaukee Police Department, was arrested and charged with 2 felony counts of Child Abuse and Strangulation after a 7 year old child under his care, was taken to the emergency room. According to the criminal complaint, Milwaukee police responded to the E.R. on Wednesday, Jan. 17 in response to a child abuse complaint.

As per Fox 6, A Milwaukee police sergeant conducted a "minimal facts interview" of the child, the victim, in the emergency room at the hospital. The child indicated Williams "whooped" them with a belt, resulting in bruising on the child's left thigh, the complaint states. The sergeant also observed "7 to 8 distinct brown and reddish bruises on (the child's) left thigh."

The child also said Williams hit another child. The child went on to say Williams put his hands around their throat and choked them and that this was not the first time this had happened.

Officer Williams was arrested and booked. Williams or someone in his stead posted $7500 bail, an extraordinarily small amount of money for 2 felony counts. This money was returned after his union lawyer, Mike Steinle, got the magistrate to refund the money.

The Milwaukee assistant D.A. asked for a personal recognizance bond of $1,000, which means Williams would be allowed to walk on his signature and no money would need to be paid UNLESS Williams failed to appear. The judge raised this amount to $5000. In the end, he paid NO MONEY. What would happen to you if you were charged with this?

Is this preferential treatment? Do the police get special treatment? Are all men equal in the eyes of the law?

It will be interesting to see what deal Mike Steinle can work out.

EDIT: There is no word on whether Williams' suspension is paid or unpaid. We believe it is most likely the former.

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