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Once Upon a Time in Canada - Darcy Martans
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Once Upon a Time in Canada
A long time ago there was a Queen, who loved to explore the world, in wooden ships so grand, with billowing white sails, filled with ocean winds, taking her ships far and wide, to kingdoms unknown, filled with riches and scents she'd never seen nor imagined This new land was beautiful, a paradise unlike any other, and she was delighted.
Victoria loved to play games too, and decided to make up a new game to keep her delighted. You see, the Queen got bored easily because as a Queen, she already had everything she could possibly creating a new game was exciting.
The men and women of this new land knew Victoria, they'd lived in her kingdom before, they too had sailed the oceans wide, and came to this land to explore for themselves the riches therein. So when Victoria wanted them to play with her once more, they said no, and asked Victoria to not set up her game in the lands where they now lived.
Victoria wasn't used to being told NO, because Queens, Kings, princes and princesses are...well...they're spoiled! They "always" get their way. Victoria was very unhappy, because she really wanted a new game to amuse her once more.
After some thought, Victoria told the leaders of the villages that her new game would give them a game of their own to play, and she would be happy just to watch. Victoria was sly, and fooled the villagers into playing her game. She called her game The Dominion of Canada; and it was created by Victoria in 1867; she called the rules for the game The British North American Act; and an ACT it was!
The rules of the game were written on paper, so everyone could play by the rules. They were called acts, statutes, bylaws, legislation and such, and were only for those who were playing in the game. Like in baseball, where some play and some watch.
When you played her game you had to swear an OATH to her, stating you'd play for her and no other, it didn't matter what team you were on, it was her game and she made up the rules. Victoria would be the winner this way, no matter who won the game. Oh how wonderful was this new game, when Victoria would always win. What fun she had!
Victoria loved her new game so much that upon its creation she made sure that her children would still have the game to play when she was gone, for they too, liked the new game. Victoria put into the rules that her children would inherit The Dominion of Canada game. And so it was done.
After a time Victoria grew older and saw that her children, although still liking the treasures of the game, began to fight amongst themselves as to who would have the game when their mother had gone. Seeing this Victoria decided to remove her children from the game; the rules that said her children could have the game, the game and the rules were only her's once more.
Victoria died in 1901, and the rules of the game died with her, for they belonged to her and she left them to no other. The land of the villagers in the lands called Canada now belonged to the villagers alone, to live freely, without trespass from another, to enjoy that which the creator had said many, many years before, belonged to His children; to go forth and multiply, enjoying that which was created for all. For the delight of the Creator to watch.
When the princes and princesses found out about this they were very angry and selfish. The game of Canada had given them delight to watch and many prizes did they recieve... so they lied to the villagers, and said that they inherited the game. The leaders of the villages lied too, for they too profited from the game...and so the game continued.
Wars began in the world, and warriors from the villages left the game of Canada to fight in far off lands, with villagers they knew not.
Many perished, some came home and were never the same, but still the game played on.
But fine day a leader discovered that the rules had changed in 1901 when Victoria died. The many village leaders came together and the town crier let out the call, to one and to all, both far and wide, from sea to sea, across the great board of the game of Canada. He cried " Freedom is upon us dear men and women of Canada, for the rules of the game are no longer, We will call the new rules, "The Statute of Westminster," and all the villagers rejoiced. The game of Canada hadn't been fun for them, and their toils had been hard, playing in the game for the Queen and her family.
They were deceived! The leaders had enjoyed the efforts of the village teams and had fancy homes, and many riches that they didn't want to give up. They devised a new game with the princes and princesses.
The new game was called the Government of Canada, and they created new rules to the old rules. Therefore, anyone playing in the game was subject to the rules as before. The new rules created meant that the villagers of the great land had to pay to watch the game because the game was played every day, and sometimes late into the night. The new game required $$ to play and the game, being a game, couldn't create $$, so the villagers became the Human Resources for the game, it was they who created the $$ for the game to continue. The villagers still toiled for the game.
There are rules for all games and everyone knows these rules; there's no cheating, and everyone has to know what the words in the game truly mean, because words can mean differant things. Like son and sun or beet and beat, words are powerful magic!
After many years and much deceit the villagers just knew that something was wrong and that their leaders were being false. They took it upon themselves to discover the rules of the game of Canada, and in doing so discovered to their great joy, that they were correct, they really were Free, and had always been Free, if not for their leaders having been corrupted.
They formed great groups and traveled across the great land of Canada, from the West to the East, from the North to the South, spreading the great news. The villagers didn't believe this truth for the lies had gone on for so long, and they were so used to the game. They were fearful. The great Queen had created a force to keep the game of Canada in peace, she called them her Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and they too had been corrupted with greed, and had for many a time now behaved as enforcement of the policies of the game, and no longer had been keepers of the peace. They carried weapons on their sides, where at one time would have protected them from animals, and were now being used against the peaceful villagers. They had reason to fear!
One day, a wee boy and girl asked the elders why they weren't doing anything about the news of their Freedom. They had lost many hours every day without their beloved fathers and mothers, who had been working to put $$ into the game, thus taking away time with them. They missed their fathers and mothers. Their dads were their heroes, so strong and brave. Who picked them up, light as feathers, holding them close to their hearts, when they'd had a bad dream, or had fallen from their bikes? They saw their fathers less and less and were saddened by it.
"Elders, why do you not stand up for us?, Why do you let a bully take you from us?, Why do you not do what is right, when we know the difference between right and wrong, and we, your sons and daughters suffer to eat?"
The Elders were stunned by the wisdom and truth of what their beloved sons and daughters had said, for the children were suffering and the elders were too afraid to do what was right. They thought on this wisdom for but a brief while ...then they rose in indignation to the suffering that had fallen upon them all. They used their collective voices, singing to the heavens of the truths they new, and the courage they forgot they had.
The game of Canada was but a game after all...and they chose not to play anymore, nor to watch the theatre it had become, they picked up their children and once again went into nature and they all rejoiced, especially the children for they had missed their fathers hugs and the foods their mothers once had made. They had their friends once more, all laughing and singing in complete and utter joy.
New laws were made, where the villagers took care of each other once more, "doing no harm or trespass to another", and when something did go amiss...their fathers were amongst them, in the villages, protecting all, as the men they once were, before the game of Canada came to their lands, those many years ago, putting it out of memory.
The children, their father's and mother's, their grandpa's and grandmas, and all their friends and neighbors’ lived in peace forever more.
Deputation to the Town - To restore lawful jurisdiction and Unalienable Rights
Today we are questioning if fraud has taken place within our local governments as it appears they may be governed by a global entity through public/private partnerships. Our local representatives may or may not know this and I’d like to present what we have found.
To our elected officials I have to ask:
If you, as our elected officials, are not the body in power & control, who is?
Who’s your boss?
Who’s pushing the sustainable development and climate action plans within our organizations?
Do you feel at all manipulated that such plans of overreach were being slid past you before you even found your feet within your newly elected positions?
Why do you think that was done to you?
If these ideologies that are being forced upon the residents turn out to be unlawful and out of your area of jurisdiction, who do you think will take the fall or go to jail?
Exposure of widespread corruption within our Federal, Provincial and local levels of government are more extreme and more frequent, with Trudeau’s billion dollar green slush fund being the latest. The Stephen Joseph Harper government was no better: Canadian banks received 'secret' bailout in 2008
We were never told the true cost of a $114-billion “secret bailout” for the country’s biggest Private (PPP) banks during the financial crisis
“At its peak in March 2009, support for Canadian banks reached $114-billion. To put that into perspective, that would have made up seven per cent of the Canadian economy in 2009 and was worth $3,400 for every man, woman and child in Canada.”
three of the country’s biggest banks — CIBC, Bank of Montreal and Scotiabank — were receiving government support that was equal to or more than the value of the company’s shares.
Airbus Deal
The Airbus Affair was a political scandal that began in the late 1980s and concluded around 2010. The scandal concerned the purchase of Airbus passenger aircraft for Air Canada in the 1980s (when it was a crown corporation) by the government of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.
It was alleged that German Canadian businessman Karlheinz Schreiber had bribed Mulroney to purchase Airbus aircraft. Mulroney countered that he had not acted inappropriately and that the allegations were part of a smear campaign. Mulroney sued the federal government (NO HE SUED US WITH RAISING TAXES ) for $50 million.
Ultimately, the RCMP ended its investigation without laying charges. The government settled out of court with Mulroney in 1997. However, it was later determined that Mulroney had indeed acted inappropriately and had received at least $225,000 in cash.
Foreign Countries Infiltrating
Foreign countries infiltrating Canada, spy chief warns -The Canadian Press Published Friday, January 7,2011
In 2011, Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) Director Richard Fadden warned of foreign countries infiltrating Canada at municipal levels.
So, my question for you is why are you taking your orders from known criminals, without questioning?
“Because we were told to do it” has never been a valid defence. Perhaps, this presentation may provide clarity.
Did you know OUR Town and Regional Districts/or County are United Nations (UN) satellite field offices which are public/private partnerships acting in de facto law?
In this UN partnership, everything can be done by the signatures of only 2 people, the Mayor and the CAO or, in the case of the Regional District or County, the Chair of the Board and the CAO.
These two people can call a local emergency which is why you had better know who they work for.
Municipalities mandated COVID-19 vaccine
Murder Charges for Pushing the Vaccine (death shot) (SHARE)
Therefore, instead of gathering in their unlawful offices, we have instead, gathered in this neutral place with men and women.
The agenda today is:
1) To inform elected representatives of suspected fraud that has taken place.
2) To give the restructuring history of all municipalities under the UN Agenda 21 and UN Agenda 2030 where Canada Inc. became a UN member nation state in 1992 and appears to have ceased existing as a sovereign country.
- The Municipal Primer
- FCM and CCME are just a few involved in the Agenda
This Booklet explains how these non-government City Municipalities took over your City Hall, convert official status, assume regulatory control, and leave th elocallyelected officials holding nothing but incredible personal liability for everything they agree to sign.
SLIDE 5 - Promoting Sustainable Developement Book - If you would like one please email
SLIDE 6 – The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide
An Introduction To Sustainable Development Planning
By most accounts, the UN Agenda 21 sounds first glance, just as the Climate Action Plans of both the Regional Districts or County of OUR TOWN do. Only until further investigation are other secret agendas revealed, that are not of benefit to all, especially the earth.
SLIDE 7 – Agenda 21 quotes:
Now we will explain some of the history that is crucial that must be Educated.
The following is quoted from the “The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide”.
“The UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) produced Agenda 21 in 1992, and since that time Agenda 21 has become the guiding international blueprint for development into the twenty-first century. During the preparation of Agenda 21, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) worked to ensure that this global plan also addressed the roles and perspectives of local governments.”
As a result, the UN framework was provided to local governments... supposedly? working with their communities, to create their own local action plans for sustainable development. The reality of this implementation is not as advertised. (SECRET BEHIND CLOSED DOORS)
SLIDE 8 – Sustainable Development - Agenda 21 quotes Continued:
To quote: “Sustainable development, therefore, is a program of action for local and global economic reform—a program that has yet to be fully defined and ICLEI became the main source of consultation to push and fund the global agenda.”
To quote: “Sustainable development, therefore, is a program of action for local and global economic reform—a program that has yet to be fully defined. The challenge of this new program is to develop, test, and disseminate ways to change the process of economic development so that it does not destroy the ecosystems and community systems (e.g., cities, villages, neighborhoods, and families) that make life possible and worthwhile.
No one Fully understands how, or even if, sustainable development can be achieved; however, there is a growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is ever to be achieved on a global basis."
SLIDE 9 – Dowdeswell -Elizabeth Dowdeswell, former Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme
An example is: a quote from Elizabeth Dowdeswell, former Executive Director, UN Environment Programme stated that “terms like sustainable development and environmental conservation can often conjure up images of processes too grand for local communities and their organizations to handle and influence. For all these reasons, the Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide is more than just another book. It is a lever for changing the art of managing sustainable development at the level of local government. Indeed this guide can serve as a symbol of today’s historic transformation in the concept of partnerships...” Is this management or manipulation?
"Terms like sustainable development and environmental conservation can often conjure up images of processes too grand for local communities and their organizations to handle and influence. For all these reasons, the Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide is more than just a Book. It is a lever for changing the art of managing sustainable development at the level of local government. Indeed this guide can serve as a symbol of today's historic transformation in the concept of partnerships...)
SLIDE 10 - Corporation of Canada Signs on.....
(Sustainable Action Plans) as follows:
Brian Mulroney signed this international treaty whereby, he agreed Canada Inc. would join the United Nations Global Governance System.
Upon his signature, Canada Inc. has ceased to operate as a sovereign nation – illegally and unlawfully. All signatories agreed to several UN
Declarations (Sustainable Action Plans).
1. The convention on climate change that:
a) Climate change is bad and humans are causing it
b) it’s a global problem so no one nation can stop it
c) we need global government
2. The UN Agenda 21 charter that:
a) only UN “sustainable development” will stop climate change
b) all present consumption and production modes are
c) we need global government
The UN Charter ordered all signatory members to restructure their existing governments. In the UN system:
1. Canada Corporation becomes a UN Member state
2. The provinces became sub-national member states
3. The local/municipal became a UN City State
All UN members agreed to partner their existing governments with a “sustainable development” non-governmental organization that would help their country embrace this new “green technology” to save the planet...for a LOT of money.
Brian Mulroney signed this international treaty whereby, he agreed Canada Inc. would join the United Nations Global Governance System.
Upon his signature, Canada Inc. has ceased to operate as a sovereign nation – illegally and unlawfully. All signatories agreed to several UN Declarations (Sustainable Action Plans
Slide 11- Clip from Brian Mulroney signed United Nations Global Governance Treaty......
Brian Mulroney signed this international treaty United Nations Global Governance
UN members use the trademarked sustainable development goals logos.
This helps you know who’s getting money from the UN/WEF/World Bank.
Video on Rumble "We the People Constitutional Conventions"
Title: Brian Mulroney signed United Nations Global Governance Treaty......
Brian Mulroney signs on to United Nations Climate Change Agenda 1992
SLIDE 12 – United Nations Development Goals Logo
By the year 2000, countries, including Canada, were being governed by directions of the UN, G7, G20, Council of Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum and World Health Organization, to name a few of the major players. Every one of these organizations is a foreign based non-governmental organization (NGO). Every member of all these organizations are UN-ELECTED!
Our Town was captured by the United Nations/World Economic Forum by the declaration of Office they took when “sworn” in. Once they are “sworn” to serve the municipality, instead of us the men and women, they have agreed to “Municipal government” and “regions” instead of “de jure” (lawful) adminstraion locally. They are under a false oath.
SLIDE 13 – Canada Inc. under the PPP Global Governance System
The “public officials, the Mayor, Councillors and Regional Directors of became partnered with a Private Corporation, The Corporation of our Town and The Corporation of the Regional District/County.
An appointed Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) helped implement the global agenda instead of a local one. The local officials became employees to the United Nations by agreeing to take the Community Charter previously known as The Municipal Act, “Declaration of Office” (or DOO).
The new de facto United Nations Global Governance System is a corporate (veil) structure set like a "burger chain" franchise. So, instead of being "governed", we get "serviced". Policies are set at the top of the Public/Private Partnership (PPP) top level and downloaded to the ones below like this:
SLIDE 14 – Guide for Municipal Council Members and Regional Directors/County in your Province,Territory
Oct 12,2018 Prepared by Colin Stewart and Marie Watmough
The United Nations Agenda was implemented in every Province and Territory in Secret!
The DOO is a commercial (UN) declaration and public officials are NOT to take this corporate “oath”. When they do, they become “employees” – in agreement with the Municipal Act or Community Charter and therefore they MUST follow it so taking the DOO gets them into a lot of Doo Doo – us too.
NOTE: "CSIS has knows about foreign interference in Canada for at least the last 30 years. Every federal government from Mr. Mulroney to Mr. Trudeau today have been compromised.
Our Local Towns all have been compromised as well. ____________________________________________________________
BEFORE 1998 the Local Government Act of our Province was knows as the Municipal Act, and it was almost a sole source for legislature enacted the Community Charter, and removed from the Local Government Act a great many of the powers of the municipalities, incorporating them into the community Charter
SLIDE 15 - Community Charter Asserted in May 29, 2003 in British Columbia/Provinces/ Territories
Municipal government = the ORGANIZATION OF THE CORPORATION.
The “government” they form internally, the MUNICIPALITY’S “governing officers”, the City’s “Board of Directors”, the City’s LAWS which are legal and commercial. Municipal government is the BUSINESS, the corporation, that provides our services.
Part 2- Municipal Purposes and Powers
Division- Purposes and Fundamental Powers
Municipalities and their Councils
6 (1) A municipality is a corporation of the residents of its area.
(2) The Governing body a municipality is its council
(go slow here – 3 slides to fit in as you speak with long quotes)
SLIDE 16 – Back to "Local Agenda 21"
SLIDE 17 - Agenda 21 quote – increasing pace...
SLIDE 18 – Sustainable development.... More quotes from The Local Agenda 21...
The UN public/private partnerships look like government and spend like government but they are NOT government. They are in de facto possession of sovereign powers. The UN Global Government system overturns the rightful government and installs its own defacto government; has possession of governing powers without right and maintains itself by force and captured regulatory control.
SLIDE 19– Defacto Definition
De facto
"de facto" is defined as accepted (as fact) but unauthorized and illegitimate; instealled and founded in decit and fraud, without lawful title."
SLIDE 20–"De facto Government"
A defacto government is defined as “private, corporate secret Mayor/Council/Board; non-governmental organizations.”
SLIDE 21 "De Jure Government
For those that may not know, The word “De jure” means “rightful, legitimate, constitutional and legal; elected and in compliance with every aspect of law.”
A De jure government is always public;sovereign and autonomous
SLIDE 22 – United Nations Global Government...
-overturns the rightful government and installs it's own instead
-has possession of governing powers without right
-maintains itself by force and capture regulatory control
If we wonder why all our questions have gone unanswered with regards to the climate action plans and why our overwhelming public input in opposition does not get acknowledged anywhere it is because we have NO Public office. It’s vacant and controlled by the UN Public/Private Partnership. So, what we have is a “Municipal” government and not a “local” government.
A forensic audit of our the Town and the Regional District will reveal exactly how many Billions of dollars have been funnelled both from AND TO the UN through ICLEI and the provincial municipalities since 1994
SLIDE 22 – Criminal Code Section 46(1)(b)
– Criminal Code Section 46(1)(b) is an Act created to protect the de facto Unlawful system!
CANADA Inc. being a UN member state has NO Authority to implement foreign mandates, policies, treaties or any agreements that violate our Unalienable Rights
see - Clearfield Doctrine -
SLIDE - 23 The CANADIAN Constitution Act
The CANADIAN Constitution Act; the Charter of Rights Act; the Bill of Rights Act and the Coronation Oath Act are all de-facto! This is IMPORTANT INFORMATION that MUST Be Educated. These Acts will Not Protect you , your Property or Your Family.
The Last four years have be an eye opener to many that there is and Never have been Laws protecting us from the blatant Corruption!
They ARE and always have been De Facto!
SLIDE - 24 Criminal Code of Canada Inc. Section 46(1)(b)
Canada is like Coca- Cola, Walmart, McDonalds - For example Canada makes Rules for it's employees or guide lines - Canada Inc calls them criminal codes as they cannot call them Law's as they are NOT Laws.
Government Services Corporation doing business as Government of Canada only has Jurisdiction over it's employees, franchisees, officers and/or dependants.
Here are crucial FACTS you MUST fully comprehend!
Companies (Canada Inc.) establish rules to govern the conduct and actions of their employees. These rules should leave no room for discretion and argument. The rules must be enforced and action be taken every time a rule is violated.
So you as a man/woman are identified as a person/corporation not as a man/woman
The purpose of section 32 is to make it clear that the Charter only applies to governments, and not to man/woman
The Charter protects those basic rights and freedoms that are considered essential to preserving Canada as a democratic country. It applies to all governments – federal, provincial and territorial – and includes protection of the following: The rights and freedoms in the Charter are not absolute.
absolute - no exceptions
The rights and freedoms in the Charter are not absolute. They can be limited to protect the Corporation of Canada Inc. rights - NOTman/woman.
Criminal Code of Canada Inc. is a protective measure for the corporations/business/company Canada Inc.
Criminal Code definition of “person” includes bodies in addition to corporations, and it is important to ensure that the same rules for attributing criminal
High treason
46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,
(a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her;
(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or
(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.
Marginal note:Treason
(2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada,
(a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province;
(b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific information or any sketch, plan, model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada;
(c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a);
(d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act; or
(e) conspires with any person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) or forms an intention to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) and manifests that intention by an overt act.
Marginal note:Canadian citizen
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) or (2), a Canadian citizen or a person who owes allegiance to Her Majesty in right of Canada,
(a) commits high treason if, while in or out of Canada, he does anything mentioned in subsection (1); or
(b) commits treason if, while in or out of Canada, he does anything mentioned in subsection (2).
Marginal note:Overt act
(4) Where it is treason to conspire with any person, the act of conspiring is an overt act of treason.
Canada is like Coca- Cola or Walmart - For example Walmart makes Rules for it's employees or guide lines to
You now have your answer why all our questions have gone unanswered with regards to the climate action plans and why our overwhelming public input in opposition does not get acknowledged anywhere it is because we have NO Public office. It’s vacant and controlled by the UN Public/Private Partnership. So, what we have is a “Municipal” government and not a “local” government.
.Government Services Corporation doing business as Government of Canada only has Jurisdiction over it's employees, franchisees, officers ond/or dependants.
To those that are elected – YOU WERE ELECTED TO FORM THE GOVERNMENT ON OUR BEHALF – WITH OUR TRUST. YOU ARE OUR LOCAL LEVEL OF GOVERNENT. The town staff and regional district/County staff are NOT the government.
YOU CAN THINK you have the power and authority but you DON'T. You are NO MORE than one vote at a table!! Unfortunately, you have been fraudulently partnered through your contract and those contracts must be renegotiated.A rightful mayor and council appoint the CAO and staff, and the mayor and council MUST dismiss them. Elected directors form the local Board of Regional District/County that can appoint the CAO and staff and you can directly dismiss them.
With that, you can work with a lawyer to verify the claims we’re making here today. It is now at the point that we really need our elected representatives to step up, step down or step aside.
Now, questions for elected officials that demand answers:
1. As elected officials what did you sign?
2. Did you understand what oath you were asked to take when you took public “office”?
3. What jurisdiction are you in and who’s your employer?
4. Did you sign more than one oath?
5. What you signed designates what jurisdiction you’re operating under.
6. The possible proof of the Town and Regional District/County fraud may be in your oath –
- who did you swear to serve? A“Covenant” is not an oath with regards to our Town.
And, a “Declaration of Rural Appointment Official” is not an oath.
7. Where is the published law that has been presented to the the Men/Women; debated; brought to vote and been passed and regarding the Climate Action Plans; Sustainable development; Municipal partnerships and all United Nations public/private partnerships?
If these published laws cannot be produced, these Public/Private partnerships and United Nations Programs are NOT compliant to laws and government is acting in a state of “ultra vires”.
Ultra vires is a Latin phrase meaning literally "beyound the powers".
"If an act requires legal authourity and is done with such authority. It is characterized in law as intra vires (literally 'within powers".
acts that are intra vires may equivalently be termed "valid" amd those that are untra vires "INVALID"
Ultra vires is a Latin phrase meaning literally "beyond the powers".
"If an act requires legal authourity and is done with such authority. It is characterized in law as intra vires (literally 'within powers".
acts that are intra vires may equivalently be termed "valid" and those that are ultra vires "INVALID"
We need to turn back the page to a simpler time when open, transparent, municipal government and regional districts/counties were serving the men and women of their areas in their best interests.
In the coming days, the mayor and councillors and the Regional District Directors/County will receive an electronic information package which will contain the text of this deputation as well as thought provoking supporting documentation of which we have spoken about here today.
As for the rest of us sitting here, there is no “caped crusader” that will whisk in to change this for us, we have to be proactive and cannot sit back and relax. It is up to us to each of us here to become involved. Here’s your chance.
Thank you for your patience, your respect in listening and your active participation for changing our future for the benefit of all.
Month Day, 2024
Deputation Presentation
The Town of ________ and
The Regional District/County of ___________________
Names of Men and Women
We require a written response to the questions by
Month Day, 2024.
Month Day, 2024
Names of each man or woman
Area location - District /Couty
To The Mayor : Name and Councillors: Names of each councillor
And to: Area “A”; Area “B” and Area “C” Directors of the Regional District or County
name sof each member (respectively); and Chair name
RE: Deputation of men and women dated Month Day, 2024
Dear Sirs and Madams,
The enclosed deputation and supporting documents shows that it appears you are acting in three (3) different legal capacities – public; private and international.
Did you know our Town and Regional District /County offices are United
Nations (UN) satellite field offices which are public/private partnerships acting in defacto law?
You can work with a lawyer to verify the claims we have made.
The men and women who undertook the deputation and those who support it understood they elected you to act in and for the local public office ONLY, and therefore are requiring a written response to the following questions by 5:00 p.m.,Day, Month, 2023.
Questions for elected officials that demand answers:
1. As newly elected officials what did you sign?
2. Did you understand what oath you were asked to take when you took public “office”?
3. What jurisdiction are you in and who’s your employer?
4. Did you sign more than one oath?
5. Who did you swear to serve? The possible proof of the Town and Regional District fraud may be in your oath. A “Covenant” is not an oath with regards to the Town of ______. And, a “Declaration of Rural Appointment Official” is not an oath with regards to the Regional District or County.
Please produce any and all, Oaths, Covenants, Declarations of office or any other contract you have signed with regards to your service to the Town of _______ or The Regional District/County.
6. Where is the published law that has been presented; debated; brought to vote and been passed regarding the Climate Action Plans; Sustainable development; Municipal partnerships and all United Nations public/private partnerships?
If these published laws cannot be produced, these Public/Private partnerships and United Nations Programs are not compliant laws and government is acting in a state of “ultra vires”.
We look forward to your response. Sincerely, Names of Men and Woman
• Deputation Title Page
• Questions for each elected official to respond to
• Deputation Presentation – Paper Copy
• Deputation Supporting Power Point – Paper Copy
• Who’s Who in Government? - Paper Copy
• Links Page – Paper Copy
• USB – Video of Deputation
• Restoring Your Local Peace, Order & Good
There is no other path.
It is our destiny, and if we don’t take action we will be diluted out from ever again being able to take this course of action that will make us the free
Organize a Local Meeting - We have so many men and women looking to connect!
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PeculiarPineTreePlays Minecraft Livestreams
12 hours ago $20.85 earnedTNT Blast Chamber Progress! - Shenanigang SMP Pancake Edition Ep46 - Minecraft Live Stream
95.5K4 -
Tundra Tactical
10 hours ago $8.62 earnedWhats The Deal With Suppressors?? Are They Protected By The Second Amendment?
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Sgt Wilky Plays
11 hours agoHave some brewskis and playing some games
57.7K5 -
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Exploring With Nug
20 hours ago $16.11 earnedSad Discovery Found Floating In The Water While Searching the Lake!
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8 hours ago $7.59 earnedDLD Live! Welcome To The Armory! A Discussion of Guns Gear & Equip.
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Barry Cunningham
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1 day ago $6.98 earnedThe Pew Culture Podcast #15 - Rango