12 GIANT Abandoned Structures And Places

1 year ago

"From huge unsettling ghost towns to strange and unique buildings. These are 12 GIANT Abandoned Structures And Places

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10. Foreshore Bridge | South Africa

9. Battersea Power Station | England

8. Tehachapi Pass Wind Farms | California

7. Sterick Building | Tennessee

6.Hashima Island | Japan

5.Ryugyong Hotel | North Korea
This is a shining example of what Best Korea can accomplish when they put their mind to it ! The beautiful 105 story 1080 ft (330m) pyramid hotel sports hundreds of unfinished rooms, rustic growth, tons of concrete and no windows for 20 years. Construction began in 1987, abruptly stopped in 1992, and then resumed again in 2011.
Not much has changed since, its not a place you can just go exploring at, since you would be arrested fairly quickly, and you DON’T wanna end up in a North Korean prison, trust me on that one.
Do you guys think its possible the whole building is just a facade for a massive weapon? That would be crazy !

4. Fukushima | Japan
Let's stick around this area for a bit longer, as you may have heard, in 2011 the Tohoku earthquake caused a massive tsunami that hit the coast of Japan and caused billions of dollars in damages, it was one of the worst disasters in recent history, and things got worse when information about the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant came out.
The plant suffered catastrophic failure, that could have been prevented… but thats just not the way thing happened. The nearby town of Namie stood frozen in time, until April 2017. The Japanese government allowed people to go back to their homes…. Would you ever go back to your home if you were in their position ? I’m not so sure I would.
Namie was not the only town evacuated, this map shows the total area affected...

3. Pripyat | Ukraine
Pripyat is a town located dangerously close to the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant… before Fukushima Daiichi, Chernobyl was the only nuclear accident to be given the highest rating of 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale.
In 1986, Reactor N4 suffered a catastrophic failure during a safety test operation, the accident was not handled properly, and many people did not evacuate in time.
The town of Pripyat had 49,360 residents, and fell right into the “Zone of Alienation”. For many years nobody was allowed to visit the town, but that has changed in recent years, the Ukranian Government has decided to allow small groups of tourists to visit the ghost town.
Not a lot of people mention the actual city of Chernobyl, which also had to be evacuated. Some 10,000 people lost their homes, and suffered health complications. The city was only evacuated 30 hours after the accident. As of 2017, the town is considered a “Ghost Town” by most, but there are residents that have moved back…. Again… that's just strange to me.

2. The Base | Tenerife | Spain
Oohhkay, enough with the nuclear disasters, lets go back to old fashioned funding problems.
Some sources say this was a military base, others say it was supposed to be a leper colony ? Whatever the case may be, lets look at some photos from here. The church looks pretty cool from the outside, this is probably the main hospital of the compound, the insides of the buildings have served as a canvas for many aspiring graffiti artists, which creates a strange mix of great art and sad history.
It doesn’t seem like there is a lot of security around the location, just watch out for squatters…or leppers.

1.Tkvarcheli Thermal Power Plant | Tkvarcheli | Abkhazia
For our final destination, we will travel to Abkhazia or Georgia, or Russia, or whatever you wanna call it.
Do you notice that big power plant? Yeah its no longer operational, at all. This thing is massive, and it was supported by the nearby coal mining operations. Just look at it from the inside, so much machinery just going to waste.
Oh yeahh, there is dark and unsettling mining tunnels. Have you ever been inside a shut down mine? I don’t think I would last too long in these tunnels. Let me know in the comments below :D
At first, I just thought I would talk about the power plant, but the whole city has suffered, a lot of the buildings are barely holding up, the population has been cut in half, and some of the surrounding smaller towns are completely abandoned."

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