Texas Invasion SITREP. What you need to know about What's about to happen.

1 year ago

Normally, politics and hot topics are off limits in ham radio ( I guess so as not to upset the delicate sensibilites of the sad hams). With the SCOTUS ruling that the feds can remove Texas boarder fence, I see a very possible showdown between Texas & the feds which could lead to a succession movement or a hot civil war. This is actually pretty terrifying the more I put it together.

I’d like to invite you to join in on the net this weekend when we talk about situational awareness as it relates to what might happen, The Illegal immigrant problem, and I break every rule of ham radio. For those of you who can access WiresX, its room 40448 (The Idaho Command). YSF reflector 56026 (Youtubers).
If anyone happens to live in the boarder area of Texas, I’d love to get you live on the show to give a SITREP.

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