Giant Strides, Week 4 of 11, ACIM Lesson 94, I am as God created me. 1/27/24

11 months ago

Week 4, Giant Strides
Lesson 94,110,162,237,260
I am as God Created me…
...a giant stride toward your release, and a milestone in learning the thought system which this course sets forth. [CE W-94.7:2]

In this one thought is all the past undone; ²the present saved to quietly extend into a timeless future. ³If you are as God created you, then there has been no separation of your mind from His, ⁴no split between your mind and other minds, ⁵and only unity within your own.....5 The healing power of today’s idea is limitless.
[CE W-110.4-5]

2 Here is the Word by which the Son became his Father’s happiness, His love, and His completion. ²Here creation is proclaimed, and honored as it is. ³There is no dream these words will not dispel, no thought of sin and no illusion that the dream contains that will not fade away before their might. ⁴They are the trumpet of awakening that sounds around the world. ⁵The dead awake in answer to its call. ⁶And those who live and hear this sound will never look on death. [CE W-162.2]

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