Helping Patients and Families in Intensive Care to Go Home During COVID-19

1 year ago

Helping Patients and Families in Intensive Care to Go Home During COVID-19

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In today’s blog post, I want to answer a question from one of our clients and the question today is

Quick Tip for Families in ICU: Helping Patients and Families in Intensive Care to Go Home During COVID-19!

Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from Intensive Care at Home where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated, adults and children with tracheostomies and where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units, whilst providing quality services for long-term ventilated patients and medically complex patients at home.

In this video, I want to talk about how we can help families and patients and intensive care units to free up some much needed intensive care capacity. And I mean, there’s a shortage of intensive care beds at the moment, all around the world because of the COVID 19 pandemic. And many patients ending up in ICU on ventilators, often on ECMO, prone position, they’re ending up in prolonged induced comas, often medically paralyzed with medications and that delays and prolongs their recovery time if they survive. And that often leaves them with a tracheostomy. And there are often many weeks going by until the patients can be weaned off the ventilator. Sometimes many months go by, in some situations, patients may not be able to be weaned off the ventilator at all and they’re unable to leave intensive care.

Now on top of that, you have the added-on complexity that at the moment, many intensive care units limit the number of visitors in intensive care or you can’t visit at all. It depends on local health services on their policies. It depends on Department of Health policies and so forth. But the reality is that many families in intensive care are locked out of intensive care or have very limited visitation time with their loved ones in intensive care. And that’s a dilemma in and of itself. I mean, there’s enough research out there to know that family involvement, when it comes to patients in intensive care is a desirable thing. It helps improve outcomes and so forth. But again, with the current situation many families are locked out of intensive care with limited or no visitation time.

Now what does that have to do with Intensive Care at Home? Well, quite simple, once a patient is stable, but is still on a tracheostomy and ventilation, is off inotropes, is off sedatives and they’re still being weaned or there is no end in sight of the weaning. We can help them by taking them home, get them out of ICU and improve their quality of life at home. Instead of intensive care, patients can be looked after in the comfort of their own home rather than in an ICU that currently is full of COVID. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re here in Australia, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, doesn’t whether you’re in the US, it doesn’t matter whether you’re in the UK. It seems to be the same all over the world. We have inquiries from all over the world for our service. And you know, what people are reporting from intensive care units is the same. They’re locked out, limited visiting times, if any, no visiting times at all, and families are more or less desperate to take their loved ones home...

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