ICAH Frequency &Management of Respiratory Incidents in Invasive Home Ventilation

1 year ago


ICAH Frequency &Management of Respiratory Incidents in Invasive Home Ventilation

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In today’s blog post, I want to answer a question from one of our clients and the question today is

Intensive Care at Home Frequency & Management of Respiratory Incidents in Invasive Home Ventilation

Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from Intensive Care at Home where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated, adults and children with tracheostomies and where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units whilst providing quality services for long-term ventilated patients and medically complex patients at home.

In today’s video blog, I want to talk about frequency and management of respiratory incidents in invasive home ventilation. So for those of you that are new to Intensive Care at Home, that’s pretty much all we do all day every day. We provide specialized services at home for a long-term mechanically ventilated patients, with tracheostomy, but also if they’re ventilated non-invasively, or if they only have a tracheostomy.

Now we are a third party accredited service provider. We are accredited through ISO 9001 2015 similar to hospitals. We’re also accredited for the NDIS here in Australia for the TAC, the Transport Accident Commission, and also for the DVA, the Department of Veteran Affairs. And we also provide services through hospitals directly and through private health insurances.

Now, why is safety so important? Now think about it. When it comes to Intensive Care at Home, patients leave intensive care directly and they go home. Previously or prior to the existence of our service, patients from intensive care had two ways to go. One, they were going to a hospital ward or to a hospital floor, or they would die. Very limited mindsets, so we have revolutionized this area by creating a proven third pathway for intensive care patients that stay in intensive care long-term, and can’t be weaned off the ventilator and the tracheostomy. So therefore, we are replicating at home what’s being done in intensive care. We provide 24-hour intensive home care nursing with intensive care nurses with a minimum of two years’ intensive care experience.

Now, are incidents happening? Yes they are, but with having 24-hour intensive home care nursing, it’s similar to an intensive care unit so we can manage all incidents at home. Now, should be a no brainer. Shouldn’t it? I mean I shouldn’t even have to say that, but the unfortunate reality is that, some intensive care units are reluctant to discharge because of safety aspects. That’s one end of the spectrum. But then on the other end of the spectrum, you have some service providers wanting to provide services for ventilated patients, with support workers, with untrained staff. They’re basically, with all due respect to the individuals, they’re basically picking staff off the streets without any formal education. And they “train them”, on ventilated patients...

Continue reading at: https://intensivecareathome.com/icah-frequency-management-of-respiratory-incidents-in-invasive-home-ventilation/

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