Population Health Decline: Adam Roland's Vaccine Injury

7 months ago

Adam received two Covid-19 vaccines in 2021. He was subsequently diagnosed with a severe vaccine adverse event which has left him debilitated and in constant pain. In this interview with Dr John Campbell he shared his clinical test results which Dr Campbell interprets for the audience, whilst Adam describes the resulting symptoms he has been living with for three years.

He also describes the strict censorship that he and millions of other vaccine injured individuals across the globe, and the independent researchers speaking for them, face in the name of "protecting the vaccine". It is human health which needs to be protected, against the manufacturers of these dangerous products and their supporters in political, media, health and academic disciplines, many of whom have serious personal and/or organisational conflicts of interest.

Adam's clinical results include:
1. Veno-thrombo-embolism (VTE), which is a blood clot in are large vein which then travelled to his lungs, causing multiple pulmonary emoboli (clots in the lungs)
2. Complex heart damage including ventricular tachycardia, heart block and pericarditis
3. Complement deposition in his muscle tissues, leading to myopathy (wasting of muscle mass)
4. Renal calculi (kidney stones) leading to reduced kidney function
4. Demyelination of nerve cells resulting in peripheral neuropathy
5. Facial skin rash

His main symptoms are fatigue, palpitations, pain, insomnia, vision loss, tinnitus, muscle wasting and immobility.

Adam has had blood tests which show extremely high levels of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibodies, in the absence of nucleocapsid protein antibodies. This proves that his injuries are due to the vaccine, which causes the body to manufacture spike protein whereas viral infection would result in detection of both nucleocapsid and spike protein antibodies.

Adam's very high levels of spike protein antibodies suggest that almost three years after vaccination his body continues to manufacture spike protein. This has been warned about from the beginning: there is no "off" switch to the genetic material being injected into peoples' bodies, which may result in people becoming, in effect, "permanent spike protein factories".

Spike protein is the most dangerous part of the virus and independent scientists warned constantly about this from the very beginning. Yet it was used in every commercial product promoted as a vaccine. It can interfere with multiple organ systems including:
- cancer surveillance systems
- bleeding and clotting systems
- neurological systems
- cardiac systems
- immune systems
- muscle systems

As such, multiple and varied harms can occur. This depends on where the substance travels to in each individual body, and how the body interacts with it at the time. It also seems to depend upon variability in product batches, some of which are associated with high rates of adverse events whilst others are associated with almost none. Harms can occur immediately, but the high rates of ongoing harms explained by mechanisms of action of these substances, show that the harms may occur months to years later.

Spike protein is not the only harmful substance contained in these injectable substances. The lipid nanoparticles, used to transport the genetic material throughout the body, are inherently harmful. DNA contamination has been found in mRNA (Pfizer and Moderna) vials which can lead to integration into the human genome, resulting in potential inter-generational harms. Faults within the vaccine mechanisms, due to the lack of safety testing, are causing frameshifting such that "junk proteins" are also being produced, which has the potential to lead to prion diseases similar to CJD and BSE, manifesting as degenerative conditions such as dementia and Parkinsons.

These are the most dangerous medical products ever administered to humans, and they continue to be approved based on inadequate and fraudulent safety and efficacy testing. The most recent boosters involved safety testing of less than ten mice, in the absence of ANY human testing. That such a dangerous product was mandated through force of lost livelihood suggests nefarious intent.

Crimes against humanity have taken place across the globe and until we stop "protecting the vaccine", human health remains in peril.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v49aye5-severe-vaccine-injury.html

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