What’s it like to work for INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

11 months ago


What’s it like to work for INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME?

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In today’s video blog, I want to talk to intensive care nurses because we get a lot of questions such as,

What’s it Like to Work for Intensive Care at Home?

Now, first off, I know the last years have been incredibly difficult with the pandemic, whether it’s been in ICU, it’s probably the worst it’s ever been, but it’s also been certainly challenging on our end, as the demand for our service has grown and gone through the roof, because simply nobody wants to be in intensive care, and people want to be at home, instead, which makes perfect sense.

Nobody wanted to be in intensive care before COVID, let alone in the last two years, given the vulnerability, or the high levels of vulnerability and the high levels of complexity for our clients, they would be highly susceptible to catching COVID in ICU. Therefore, they all want to stay at home at all costs. That’s what our mission here, at Intensive Care at Home, is to provide a genuine alternative for long-term intensive care patients, predominantly, long term ventilated intensive care patients with tracheostomies, adults and children. That obviously requires us to provide these services with intensive care nurses with a minimum of two years ICU experience, ideally with a post-graduate critical care qualification.

Again, we get lots of questions. What is it like to work for Intensive Care at Home as a critical care nurse? I want to dive a little bit deeper into that topic today, because I know a lot of intensive care nurses are looking for jobs at the moment because they are burnt out, because the last few in hospitals, nurse to patient ratios in intensive care prior to the pandemic were almost guaranteed a one to one nurse to patient ratio.

For some HDU, or high dependency unit patients, you would’ve had a one to two nurse to patient ratio, but that has eroded in the last two years because obviously ICUs got flooded with COVID patients, and therefore, there was also an erosion of nursing care standards. It was no longer a one to one in many units because of lack of staff because they got flooded with COVID patients, and other patients, of course, that needed intensive care. Therefore, the workload was just simply going through the roof.

Now, whilst our workload has gone through the roof as well, at least here we can guarantee a one to one nurse to patient ratio because it’s in a patient’s home. It’s in a client’s home, and we are not in a hospital. Our mission is to keep clients at home. It’s always a one to one. Now, you might also be wondering, what’s the support? The support in a home care environment is predominantly that there is a support worker working with you, like a Disability Support Worker, or a carer that’s working with you to support whatever needs to be done with a particular client, whether it’s mobilization, whether it’s going out with them, whatever the case may be. But, it’s a guaranteed one to one, and with additional help...

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