Blindspot 97 >GazApocalypse<: Welcome to World War All Against All -+- [Iran] Reloaded

1 year ago

Blindspot 97 >GazApocalypse<: Welcome to World War All Against All - (Iran) Reloaded!

Buiteboer // From Bunker 42

Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; Who rules the World-Island commands the World.”
–Sir Halford Mackinder, 1919

We start off at the same point as last week, looking at the bigger picture of Eurasia, Iran, and fundamental changes unfolding in the global system, and in regions.

Blindspot 83, aired in the week following the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. In the heading we placed - >>Gaza<< Welcome to World War All against All - a Syrian perspective. Not long after that, #84 was entitled - Israel to bomb al Aqsa to build 3rd temple of Solomon - a Dugin Prophesy - wherein, among other things we looked into a sombre prophesy of an all-out regional war by the Russian thinker and writer - Aleksandr Dugin.

Lets be reminded of what Leo Zagami reported on this prophesy by Dugin as we covered in BS84.

In it we predicted that while Israel is bound to launch an Old Testament-inspired apocalyptic response on the heads of unsuspecting Palestinian occupants of Gaza, it will be necessary to watch the regional fall-out carefully. The latter of course in the context of concurrent global, and regional power shifts. Since then we have not only seen the Houthi’s strike out with major global impact. Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon, are also proxy war sites where attacks either target US military installations, or Israeli air strikes target Syria. While Iranian Revolutionary Guard deployments, infrastructure, and allies, are also targeted by a mix of Israeli- and US strikes in especially Iraq and Syria.

If the above kinetic war developments in West Asia aka the Middle East is not disconcerting enough, in recent weeks, a number of West European countries, and NATO, either warned their citizens that they have to prepare for an inevitable war with Russia, or, announced such an inevitability together with plans for military build-ups, preparations, conscription, and force positioning. While this war might not break out tomorrow, it is usually pitched within the time horizon of the next three to ten years.

Is it then not appropriate to repeat the headline - Welcome to World War All Against All?

Seeing that it is a rather vast enterprise to cover all the maddeningly interconnected battlefronts (physical, digital, unmanned/drone, biological, cultural, techno-scientific, to name but a few) of this manifesting war of all against all, we choose to zoom into just a few examples of battlefronts in the here and now, that show, again, we do not have to wait for the referee to blow the starting whistle/trumpet to signal -
Okay boys, get set, ready, and off to World War 3, BANG, GO!

No, the best we can do now is to track some of its morbid manifestations.

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