Exodus 2

1 year ago

Two descendants of the tribe of Levi produced a baby boy. The woman kept him until he was three months, and created an enclosure to float the baby on water. The older sister watched over the child, and fortunately, the Pharoah's daughter was taking a bath in the river at that time. She discovered the child, later adopting him and naming him Moses.

Moses as an adult, knows he is a Hebrew and kills an Egyptian he sees hurting another Hebrew. Playing privileged peacemaker, he intervenes in a conflict between two Hebrews. They do not appreciate this, and mock him, referencing the murder of the Egyptian from the day before. This is actually a great help to Moses, who becomes afraid of the consequences and flees to Midian, giving him a head start to escape consequences. Pharoah finds out and seeks Moses' death. The chapter ends with the Children of Israel suffering and God hearing it. The Pharoah that sought Moses' life dies. Moses has a wife and son now

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