"Dance Party: Some Wins, Some Fails, ALL FUN"

7 years ago

"Who is ready for a DANCE PARTY? Your pet? Your grandparents? Parents? Kids? Judging by the people dancing in the clips within this hilarious and fun compilation... the whole family (humans and pets) are ready to groove. Here are my top 5 moments: 1. Horsing Around with Dance. Let’s talk about the first clip in this compilation! Not only is it hilarious but it involves horses dancing. Two horses bounce their head to the beat at the same time! 2. The new toy sore boogie. (3:22) A young boy is dancing like a mad man while shopping for a new toy! Excited much? 3. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Fail. (:22) A teen girl dances on a trampoline and just like most trampoline videos on the internet… her impressive dance moves lead to an epic fail. Watch this hilarious compilation, feel the music, have a laugh and move your body! Which clip was your favorite?"

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