Tom Glass Argues Right of Texans to Defend Themselves Without Fed Permission

11 months ago

Tom Glass March 23, 2023 testimony to Texas Senate Border Security Committee in favor of SCR 23, the bill that declared cartel invasion of Texas and invoking Article I, Section 3, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, the self defense reservation of power to Texas.

SCR 23, introduced by my State Senator Lois Kolkhorst, passed the Senate 30-1. A Dade Phelan Committee Chair killed it by refusing to hear it. But, in Jan, 2024, the Texas Governor Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Patrick, and Attorney General Ken Paxton are deploying the arguments of SCR 23 in the active confrontation between Texas and the federal government over the right of Texans to defend ourselves against federal lawbreaking in alliance with the cartels.

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