When Christians Argue Doctrine-NOW THE END BEGINS-JAN 24 2024

1 year ago

Did you know that your King James Bible is an incredible Book, filled with all the information you need to know about what it teaches? It's true! The Bible is not shy when it comes to eternal security, faith versus works, suicide, the rapture, the Revelation, and all that deep stuff. So, if the Bible is so crystal-clear, why then are Christians arguing over it? There's a reason, and an answer to this vexing problem. (Feel free to argue about what I just said, you know you want to.) On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at some clearly-defined Bible teachings and doctrines, so clear that you'd have to work pretty hard to mess it up. Yet people do and people will in spite of God laying it all out in easy-to-read sixth grade level English. Tonight we will take the list of what I have compiled as the most-debated and most-argued about topics in Christianity, and show you the Bible's clear and simple answer to all of them. Not only that, the Bible will tell you why you argue with other Christians in direct disobedience to the scripture calling you not to. Let's get ready to learn!

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