The CCP's Imminent Attack on Taiwan Is Looming Large

8 months ago

01/26/2024 Roy on The John Fredericks Show: The CCP's attack on Taiwan is imminent. Miles Guo revealed several years ago that Xi Jinping has a personal ambition of a
reunification of Great China. Currently, Xi Jinping has completed pre-war mobilization, explicitly instructing his generals and the People's Liberation Army to be ready for an attack on Taiwan at any moment. We must remain vigilant and closely monitor the situation in the Taiwan Strait.
01/26/2024 罗伊做客The John Fredericks Show:中共攻打台湾已经迫在眉睫。郭文贵在几年前就爆料过,习近平本人一直有统一台湾的野心。目前习近平的战前动员已经完成,他明确要求他的将领和解放军随时做好攻打台湾的准备。我们必须时刻关注台海局势。

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