The Pilliga Monster, IS IT LEGIT? Australian Yowie/Bigfoot expedition

1 year ago

For thousands of years people have been amazed by Yowie stories and sightings. Is It Legit was a pilot TV episode for Australian TV focusing on the infamous Pilliga Monster. known as Bigfoot in North America and Yeti in Europe.

In this epiosde we spend time in The Pilliga Forest in Western NSW where many sightings of Yowie have been reported including the famous Hickeys Falls Yowie incident involving a local police officer.

THE PILLIGA MONSTER, Is it legit is a TV Pilot of an Australian Yowie Documentry - Yowies in the Pilliga

This is a Pilot episode of a new Australian mystery TV series IS IT LEGIT following award-winning Radio & TV Presenter Alo Baker and his brother in law Ben Peacock on their search to discover the truth about the Pilliga Monster or better known as the Australian YOWIE.

from the famous Hickeys Falls case as origionally reported by the Australian Yowie Research team near Coonabarabran NSW to the Pilliga this documentary follows the boys as they interview eye witnesses from key sightings and spend time in the notoriously famous Pilliga Scrub in outback NSW Australia

In this episode we dig deeper on the mysterious stories of The Pilliga Yowie (The Pilliga scrub Monster) reenact stories and camp in the OFF LIMITS Pilliga forest in the search for the Yowie (Bigfoot)

Special thankyou to Australian Yowie Research for providing further details on this expedition -

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