Moral are Evaporating and the Police State is Emerging - What to do?

1 year ago

Look around and see if you recognize America.

Men who act like women are dominating women’s sports.

Government agencies are giving people “universal basic income” based on sexual preference.

Government employees tasked with looking out for your health are instead looking out for their pocketbook.

Agencies that are supposed to ensure our food and drugs are safe are turning a blind eye to tangible warnings of danger.

Five billion dollars of Covid Relief funding is given to farmers, but only if their skin is the right color.

Drag Queens are invited to public libraries to read to our children.

Celebrities pay people to beat them up just so they can push a fake racist narrative.

Verifiably safe drugs prescribed millions of times are suddenly labelled dangerous – leading to the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Beer companies hire flamboyant transvestites to promote their beer.
The Navy asked a cross-dressing sailor to be a “digital ambassador” to aid in recruiting.

The White House mandates a percentage of new cars sales must be electric, even though these cars fail miserably in winter, and can take more than 8 hours to charge just to drive 260 miles.

And – the White House occupant regularly describes his political opponents as terrorists.

Look around. Morals are evaporating while a police state is emerging.
As the saying goes, the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Thankfully, there’s a guy who loves you so much that he gave up his earthly life, paying the price for all this nonsense, and he offers you the most amazing eternity – all you need to do is believe that, and trust that when the time comes, he’ll take you there.

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